I woke up but I still felt like I was dreaming I stood up and walked around not sure were I was I shouted out for whisper and sk but there was no answer so I walked around and tried to find them but then I heard someone call my name I listened and I heard it again but I recognize the voice it was my moms I started to run towards the sound and when I found where it was coming from I stopped in my tracks there in the middle of a rode was my moms car all beaten and crushed that's when I heard my mom speak again I looked around and then I saw her but she looked more like a zombie then my mom (Sorta like this)
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"Why weren't you there Sabrina why didn't you come to save us" she said "I couldn't mom I tried to I really did but I just couldn't" I replied "you your the reason we're like this if you weren't such a monster we would still be together" she said "I'm sorry I didn't know I'm sorry I'm sorry" I said "you don't deserve to live you ....your a monster and that's all you'll ever be a horrible horrible monster" she said as she lunged herself at me I ran but she tackled me to the ground and started to choke me as I just kept shouting "I'M SORRY I'M SO SO SORRY" but nothing I said matters she just kept choking me and I almost blacked out but then I felt someone shake me and saying my name I looked up and saw whisper standing above me a look of relief in her eyes when I opened mine "hi" I said "hi yourself " she said "or you and sk ok" I asked " yeah I'm fine and so is sk but are you ok I saw what happened so I was worried when you didn't wake up at first" whisper said "yeah I'm fine a little confused and a little scared but fine" I replied " oh good" she said I looked around and saw the destroyed forest around me "did I do that" I asked "yeah you did" she replied "how" I asked "well it's a long story but ok you what's the best way to explain this lets start at the beginning shall we a long time ago There was this group of people who had one wish and that wish was to rule the world so they used dark magic to accomplish this what came out were four gems with a special power in each
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one could control water one controlled shadows one controlled ink and the last one controlled fire well they started to fight over who would get to control a gem well one day one of the men's wife got deathly sick he stole the gems and sold them so he could pay for her treatment well the person he sold them to was a wizard and he took the gems and gave one to each of his four daughters he made them swear never to use the powers for evil they did so until one day the oldest daughter used her gem to kill the children of a man who broke her heart the wizard cursed her to never give birth and if she was to the child would die he also tried to take the stone away from her but she refused and she ran away never to be seen again until one day when her daughter was born and she took her gem and gave it to her in a Necklace and that daughter was you" but I don't have a gem necklace and I never have" I said "yes you have but when you were little you accidentally swallowed it and it traveled to your stomach where you absorbed it and the power that went with it which is why you have those powers" she said "no that can't be true my mother had no sisters and she definitely never killed anyone" I said "yes she did and if you don't believe me then here take a look at this" she handed me a picture with my mom and four other women women I didn't recognize and I knew all my moms friends "do you believe me now" whisper asked "yeah but what happens to the other gems and what happens to the other girls" I asked "that my friend is a story for another time" whisper said "but for now we need to get going go call sk and tell her to come on" I did as I was told but on the way I heard crying and I went to check it out when I found the source it was none other then that creature that tried to kill us it was ink
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