In the Study

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I was cleaning the young master's study while humming a tune. After a while the song eventually ended and I began to think. I instantly started thinking about Sebastian. His dark raven hair, his perfectly burnt crimson eyes... His strong arms and sculpted chest. 'Wait... why would I know a thing like that... I've never seen them before. ' I could instantly tell my cheeks were red as I began to think about his body more and more. What I could do with him. What he could do to me. Finally, in a weak attempt to snuff out my dirty thoughts, I blurted

"Nothing like that would ever happen." And of course, as if God himself were watching and decided just to punish me, I heard a light chuckle from the door I seemed to have neglected to close when I came to clean.

"What, might I ask will never happen" my eyes widened as I turned around to see the perfect butler standing in the doorway. Hardly trying to hide his devious smirk behind his perplexed eyes.

"H-How long have you been standing there!" I almost seemed to yell, completely flustered and still half drowned in my thoughts.

"Oh I would believe maybe about halfway through that beautiful song you were humming." It seemed like he knew exactly what he was doing, with that smirk on his face and my thoughts completely out of sorts. 'He's been watching me the whole time! I began to freak out and blush even harder. If that was possible.

"I-I'm so sorry I didn't take notice of you sooner. In what way may I be of assistance?" I cringed at myself. Being forced to take on this petty voice and say these petty lines is not what I'm used to. A complete 180 of the life I used to live.

"I simply want to know what you meant by 'it will never happen'" his smooth velvet voice could crush me at any moment.

"I-I-I simply m-meant how the master's study will never be messy thanks to you and me" I finally calmed down just a little. Feeling a touch proud of myself because I feel I have recovered from my high a little.

"Is that right" he muttered quietly as he began to leisurely walk towards me.I also began to slowly back away at the same pace. Aware that if I let him get closer, I may not be able to keep what little composer I managed to gain. I'm too focused on keeping my distance from him as I felt my hip bump the edge of the desk. I had no where else to run. At that moment, Sebastian instantly had me pinned down on the hard desk. My chest puffing out slightly from my arching back. His hands were on each side of my body. Holding my wrists down with his large palms and slender fingers. Being in this position I'm instantly reminded of all my previous thoughts. I glanced at his hands and almost immediately began to wonder how his long fingers would feel inside me. Feeling every part of me. Inside and out. I quietly curse myself for blushing again after I just cooled myself down, I look back up at him timidly. Almost glaring at him. He still had a smirk on his face, but now there was the hunger in his eyes that I couldn't see before. He chuckled, making me even more flustered, and  bent down, his mouth next to my ear, his body, millimeters away from mine, I feel his warm breath on the tip of my ear as he huskily whispered,

"I know you're lying". I feel my core instantly soak as I began to weakly fidget. A part of my trying to at least get out of this position but another part hoping I'd 'accidentally' touch Sebastian and take this situation one step further.

"S-Sebastian" I barely gasped out.

"Now what is this. The maid sounds a little needy doesn't she?" his voice, full of the lust that I've been craving from him these last couple of months.

"N-No. I'm think I'm just a touch puzzled by what's happening now is all?" I questioned my own explanation and looked away again, afraid of looking at him while pinned down like this. I felt one of my hands being released, then feeling him firmly grab my chin and forcing me to look up at him. He titled my face so I was staring straight into his eyes.

"Maybe this little kitten needs to be trained with a more 'hands on' approach. Are actions what I need to use to help you clear up your mind?" he asks as he slowly moves his face closer to mine. My breath hitched in my throat as I felt his on my lips. After what seems like forever Sebastian's lips finally make it to mine. His soft rose petal lips. It was full of lust but still oddly gentle. Like he's holding back a lot from what I could tell. He licked my bottom lip asking for entry. I'm still in shock and I'm not completely sure how to react. This is after all, the first time I've had ever done anything like this. When my lips didn't bulge he growled and grabbed my boob rather roughly making me gasp. Taking this opportunity, he slips his tongue into my mouth and began to explore. He tasted like spices and I finally began to react. Sucking on his tongue seemed to be the only option I could do right now so I tried it. He let out an almost animalistic growl and I wanted to hear more. I wrap my legs around his waist and began to suck even more. He releases my other hand and places it on the small of my back. Tugging me closer to him. Closing off any chances that air could have to pass between us. I slowly moved my hands to his hair. Wondering if that's the right move to make at this stage of a kiss. I slightly tug on the ends making his kiss more passionate as I reacted to him. After a while  he pulls away, leaving me gasping for air. His eyes were open and so were mine. Just us staring at eachother for a few seconds before he smirked once again. Leaving me just a touch self conscious. 'Do I have a double chin?' He started moving his face down to my neck and I could feel his hand leave my chin as he began to unbutton the back of my maid dress. He was three buttons down when I realized we were still in the master's study.

"W-Wait Sebastian." My voice still an empty whisper as he looks up at me.

"Why whatever is the matter?" His crimson orbs a little annoyed that I stopped him.

"We're still in the master's study. We can't do this here." His eyes flashed a brilliant fuchsia, making me gasp slightly in surprise. But as soon as they appeared they were gone. Did I imagine that or were they really glowing.

"As you wish." He sighed as he stood up and quickly regained his perfect posture. I felt guilty and was sadened at how quickly he's able to leave this situation. Was he just going to leave me here and act like nothing happened? "Well, are you coming?" I snap out of my thoughts and look up. He was holding his hand out to me. His face straight but now I knew and hoped it was because he wanted to continue this somewhere else. Smiling, I gladly accepted his hand. Squeaking with surprise when he swept me into a bridal style hold. I look at him surprised and he looks down at me. "You didn't want to do it here right?" His smooth voice washing over me like silk. I nod meekly, afraid of how weak I  might sound. Not that just nodding is any better. "So, would you like to proceed to your chambers or mine?" His voice lowered and I could instantly sense it was filled with lust and anticipation to keep going.

"Your room." My voice sounded much bolder than I had anticipated and it made me proud of myself. Being able to still somewhat stand my ground in a situation like this. I gave my own smirk to tie it all together. Although it was just more of a wide grin. When he looked at me he just gave his own smirk, almost instantly reverting me back to my flustered, wildly blushing, state. I entwine my arms around his neck and rest my head on his shoulder waiting to get to his room as he began to walk down the hallway.

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