Chapter 1

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My walk soon turned into a sway, as I went to meet the boys at “our” spot. It was nothing much, just a bunch of rotted seats darkened from constant rain. Sitting under the tallest trees on schools campus.

Wolf whistles filled the air as I rounded the corner.

“Guys calm down, its only me,” I smirked taking in each and everyone of their shocked faces.

I had changed. That much was clear, even to the blind. Normally I had a long coat so none of my shape could be found, usually in plain colours that helped with blending into the crowed. My face was normally protected from a pair of old looking glasses, which helped for well nothing… they just seemed cool. 

Today, and for the rest of my life, I was different. Black hair, which had a slight shimmer to it, with caramel streaks giving it a bouncing look. Black skinny jeans with a leather jacket and black V-neck. And a pair of old slightly broke all-star high tops.

When their jaws dropped I winked at them, “Shut your mouths guys… you’ll swallow flies,” some of the boys and their girlfriends laughed, saying “Burned”

They immediately shut their mouths and ran towards me, trying to get to me first. Smiling cheekily I sidestepped and the boys fell forward in a heap laughing. I couldn’t help but stop the look of relief that found me when the bell rang.

“Catch you guys later!” I bellowed confidently, walking towards the front steps.

A chorus of “Catch ‘ya’s” followed behind me. Fortunately for me none of these dumb-wits where in my classes, however, who was in my class was non other than Mr. Bad-boys assistant, Dimitri Healings. Sure I’m in a “bad” reputation group too, but his was more powerful.  

“Nice of you to join us Dimitri,” my homeroom teacher Mrs. Collin said flirtingly, and slightly blushing.

Mrs. Collin was in her late 50’s with greying hair, bright greeny-yellow eyes and matching teeth. Don’t get me wrong she was nice; she just thought it was still the 60’s.

“The pleasure is all mine,” he said smoothly in a rich baritone voice, causing every girl to swoon, and me, to pretend to gag and roll my eyes in disgust. The boys behind me and beside me snickered at their friend.

He made his way through the room to the last isle, where his group happened to sit- must have slipped my mind- I however, had come in earlier this morning- not by much- but enough to score the seat he usually sat in. Both a brave and risky move to make on my behalf.

The footsteps gradually came to a halt in front of the desk I was sitting in, “Sorry Doll, your going to have to move,” He used his hushed tone meaning he didn’t want to make a scene.

“No can do buddy, get to class earlier and we wouldn’t have this problem,” I snapped still not showing my face.

“Look! This is My Seat! Now get you ass up!”

3-2-1 just on time he screamed; “NOW!”

“Hmm, you make a good argument, however, I think I’m going to sit here…” I huffed back.

Dimitri gave the boys a look and all of them shook their heads, “I have no idea who you are, but that’s my seat,” He was pissed as he brought his hands onto the desk in a threatening manner.

“No!” This time yelled, pulled out my books and pushed him aside with my foot, under the desk.

Sharp intake of breaths filled the room, I just shook my head.

Next thing I knew a huge weight was on me, “you have 30 seconds to move before I bite you!” I screamed as he wiggled his bottom.

““Hmm, you make a good argument, however, I think I’m going to sit here,” he mimicked

“Touché, Touché,” He let out a deep rumbling laugh while I scowled.

“Bite me… seriously…?” I just shrugged and relaxed into my chair.

Class was boring as per normal. Lucky for me the very kind people in the office allowed the lunch bell five minutes early.

Dumping my stuff in my small locker, “Oi, Bensa! Come here!” I smiled as Dj called me over.

“Dj!” I screamed running into his arms he was like an older brother to me.

I could smell his warm inviting smell, a mixture between white chocolate and musk, inviting and friendly. Dj was dark skinned and muscled, with green eyes and black hair. All in all he was hot – not to me- and girls wanted him.

“Damn girl, your lucky your brother hasn’t seen you!” he laughed pushing my shoulder slightly.

“What my brother doesn’t know won’t hurt him,” I whispered in his ear. I strutted off but not before he grabbed my wrist and inspected my knuckles.

“But finding our fighting again will kill him,” with that he left, disappearing into the crowd, which surrounded my locker.

“Crap!” My voice echoed around the hallway, a few people looked, “What are you all looking at?” the few people listening eyes went wide before they hurried off returning to their boring lives.

Sighing I soon noticed once I had entered the tuck-shop the boys where looking at me, “don’t worry guys . . .”

They nodded while I walked off to get my lunch. The ladies knew my “rep” and my story so they gave me my lunch for free as normal, though I did work for them after school to make up for it.

“So Shea how did we go last night?” Mrs. Evan was the nicest lady. Her greying light brown hair was the only indicator of her age.

“Not to bad… Johnny says hello…” I smiled taking my lunch from her soft hands grasp.

“Have a good day, Shea!” Her motherly voice called after me.

“Right back at you,” the food was delicious as per normal.

“Shea!” people have got to learn to keep quiet.

“What!” I whisper-hissed pulling Robins ear down to my level. 

“Damn girl, you fine…” he used a slightly “Ghetto” voice.

A brief slap sound filled the air, “That’s my sister… douche,” I smiled at my brothers looming figure, “uh…no! Absolutely NOT!” he scowled.

I could hear a few, “Told you so’s” and “Pay up’s” from behind me.

“come on Dyl, don’t knock it till you try it…” I ripped a chunk of sandwich out of my bread with my mouth.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2012 ⏰

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