Chapter Two: "You're one of them."

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"I still can't believe you're doing this," I grumble from the passenger's seat of the car. We've been on the road for hours, and my dad refuses to stop.

"It's for your own good," he insists for the thousandth time. "You'll thank me later."

"Yeah, sure I will," I roll my eyes. "I just can't believe my mom is-"

"Stop!" he exclaims suddenly, his hold on the steering wheel tightening. "Names have power. Don't say her name until you're at camp."

"Um, why not?" I ask, confused.

"It'll attract monsters," he says like it should be obvious.

I want to say something snarky in response, but I remember the way Cassia almost killed me once she turned into a fury. I don't want to risk that happening again. I lightly touch the pendant hanging from my neck, and I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. This necklace turned into a sword, and it saved my life. That's kind of a scary thing to think about.

"How much farther?" I finally ask.

"We're about an hour out."


He pulls up to a hill, and he stops a few feet from the base of it, "This is as far as I can go."

I stare at the semi-steep hill for a few seconds before getting out of the car. I grab my things from the backseat, and I look at my dad, "Well, bye, I guess."

"Be safe, Odessa," he says apologetically.

"Can't promise that, apparently. But I'll try," is the best I can offer.

With that, I start up the hill. I clutch my bag tightly, trying to show no emotion. I don't know what's waiting for me, and I really hope I'll like this place. At the top of a hill is a house with a sky blue exterior. I hesitantly climb onto the porch and knock on the front door. The door opens seconds later, and my jaw drops.

"Are...are you a centaur?" I gasp, staring at the half-man, half-horse creature.

"I am. My name is Chiron," he chuckles. "And you must be a demigod."

Still getting over the shock of his species, I nod a few seconds late, "Y-Yeah. Uh, my name is Odessa Pythia Quinn. My mom is Themis."

His eyes go wide at my words. Blankly, he says, "I can see that." When I give him a quizzical look, he points above my head. There is a shining white holographic set of scales hovering above my head. I instantly recognize them as the same scales of justice that decorate my pendant. "Odessa, come in. We have a lot to talk about."

I nod, not liking his shocked demeanor. I follow him into a small living room, and he gestures for me to sit down.

"Is it bad that my mom is Themis?" I ask slowly. He shakes his head.

"No, not bad. Just surprising. You're- well, how do I put this? Odessa, you're Themis' first demigod child," he tells me, trying to gently break the news. I stare at him in shock. "There are very few 'firsts' in the Greek world these days, and you happen to be one of them. I must warn you now, your blood puts you in grave danger. You have immense power, and your life will depend on how well you are able to control that power."

"Well, you don't sugarcoat anything, do you?" I mutter.

"There isn't room for sugarcoating when your life is on the line," he replies without missing a beat.

"Okay," I give in, "that's a good point."

He smiles lightly, "It's nearly time for the bonfire. I'll show you to your cabin, then you can meet the others. You've had a long day. We can talk more tomorrow, and you can begin your training."

I nod, and he walks me past countless cabins. We turn onto one of the outer legs of what seems to be an omega shape, and Chiron suddenly stops a minute or two later. I look up at the cabin we're in front of, and I instantly love it. It's made of smooth white marble, and it looks like a courthouse. The architecture is very much Greek.

"I love it," I say breathlessly, looking up at it in awe. "It's amazing."

"I'm glad you like it," he laughs. "You may go in, if you'd like."

I take him up on the offer, climbing the few stairs to the platform. I carefully open the double doors, and I smile widely at what I see. There are six sets of bunk beds toward the back of the room, three against both the left wall and the right. They are made with pure white bedding, each comforter embroidered with silver and gold. In the middle of the back wall is a fireplace with a few couches and chairs surrounding it. A beautifully stitched rug is in front of it. There's a doorway toward the left side of the back wall, and I curiously go through it. I find a small kitchenette, including a toaster oven, a two-burner stove, a mini fridge, and a sink. There are a couple cupboards, as well as a four-person table.

"This is so cool!" I exclaim, running back into the main room. Chiron laughs lightly from his place at the door.

"I'm glad," he smiles.

I look around and decide to choose the first bottom bunk on the left wall. I drop my bag at the foot of it, and I turn to face Chiron.

"Okay, let's go meet everyone," I say.


Nearing the crowd of people gathered around a huge bonfire, I try to keep my stomach from flipping. Is it bad that I'm so nervous? Better yet, why am I so nervous? My mother is the goddess of divine law, order, and the oracles of the Earth. My mother keeps everything in balance. How could I let something as insignificant as a bonfire scare me?

"Attention, campers!" Chiron exclaims, effectively catching everyone's attention. "I have an announcement for you!" He nudges me forward. "This is Odessa Quinn, and she is the daughter of Themis. She just arrived at camp, and I want you all to make her feel welcome."

"Themis doesn't have any demigod children, though," a girl with blonde hair says slowly, clearly confused.

"Odessa is the first," the centaur says.

"Yeah. Cool, right?" I grin.

Nobody else grins.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2016 ⏰

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