172 8 2

They walked...Their hearts trapped in fear and sadness, they knew what they needed to do... Just didn't expect that it would happen...Lots of things happened in those 2 hours... including the death of their newest member...

~~~~~~~~~~~~ FlasBack~~~~~~~~~~~~~

SK: Never leave a friend behind...Remember? (he gave what he thought , one last smile)


... The boys got his waist, trying to stop him, but him, himself backed of as an explosion made his eyes widden...He thought two more were lost...But only one of them was now liveless...The bravest girl they met...Seokjin came, walking slowly from the, now totally destroyed car...Tears made their way through his eyes and blood covered his shirt.

SK: I tried...But...I'm so sorry.


JK: Hyung...Control yourself!

YG: SHUT THE FUCK UP! I'M SO DONE!...I'm so fucking done...(he dropped to his knees)

NJ: We all are...We gotta be strong!

Yoongi was the one leaving all his fellings out...The others only cried silently...

~~~~~~~~~~~~ END of FB~~~~~~~~~~

The 6 boys made their way to Jimin's house.

Namjoon's knuckles weakly touched the wood...The door made a little crack sound as Mrs. Park opened the door, greating the boys with a big smile, which was replaced by tears not that long after. They lefted them as soon as they asked for some privacy... that privacy meant something they weren't waiting for...Two loud noises...

HS: Fuck!

Yoongi thought about doing the same...But he wanted revenge. Jungkook only cried and weakly walked...But his blood was boiling for his friend's death. Taehyung kept calm, his teeths strongly trapped his lip...But he just wanted to run and kill. Hoseok felt a high pain build on his throat as tears screamed to get out... But he would be strong for the others. Seokjin tried to wipe the blood on his hands... But only wanted to have those fuckers blood. Namjoon guided them...But he wanted to get lost and forget about everything...

TH: How many are them?

JK: About 15?

The oldest noded his head and kept walking.

~~~~~~~~~~~ ?? POV ~~~~~~~~~~~

Who are we? Well...We are your worst nightmare, we are the ones who will make you scream in fear and make you hopelessly beg for mercy...We purge a lot...Different places every year...This year...We were lucky enough to found 7 young gentelmans and a stunning lady...It's a shame we...We don't think twice. We like to, see them, suffering...

It's just...fun! 

Do you have any idea how hard it is to live with this? With the purge? No, you don't! Do you? It's hard seing our parents fearing theirs and our lifes...It's hard to have 10 years old and fire a gun for living...It's hard to grow up to the soud of war...

But...Do you know how good is it to have revenge? The way your blood boil on your veins, the felling of power...The soud of cries...Cries from whom once killed my parents probably... 

If you ever meet us, just run...Don't look back, don't think twice, just run for your life...

OH! And...I'm Devil...Nice to meet you...


I'm sorry is not that long and I'm also sorry I didn't update it! I hope you're liking it! Next chapter coming tonight!

Love you and thanks for the support!


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