Request - Ramsay Bolton and Jon Snow "Be my guest" (Sequel)

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Sequel to: "The way out of hell"

"If you would be so brave." Ramsay smirked and he opened the door to the kennel. The barking of the dogs sounded like music to his ears. "I will lock the door behind you and once there is nothing but silence the door will be opened again and we will see who is still standing."

You shook your head once more, but you couldn't get a word out of your mouth. Your entire body was shaking and trembling. Your skin was covered in sweat. You could feel your heart racing in your chest and the blood rushing through your veins. Maybe you were even more nervous than Jon. Probably because you knew what was waiting for him and he didn't.

"I assure you it will be me." Jon curled his fingers around the handle of his sword, made of Valyrian steel. With a powerful and steady pace he stepped inside. He didn't look over his shoulder when Ramsay closed the door behind him.

"I would have offered you to speak some last words to him, but I didn't want to discourage him." Ramsay locked the door and tested a few times if the door was secure enough. When he was satisfied he lifted his hands. "It is a pity there is no way to watch how your hero is dying for you." Ramsay tenderly grabbed your arm and you rolled your eyes.

You kept your back straight and your chin lifted, but you secretly wished you could run away. You tensed every muscle in your body when the barking of the dogs increased, but you refused to show Ramsay how terrified you were.

"I wonder what they would eat first." Ramsay leaned towards you a little, his voice whispering exactly loud enough for you to hear him. "Maybe they would prefer his nose." He frowned his eyebrows a little when the barking of the dogs mingled with their wining. "I am not a dog, but probably his ears will taste better." He paused for a short moment and he squeezed your arm slightly a small glimpse of disappointment showing in his eyes.

Even though you didn't dare to believe that Jon stood even the smalles chance, you were relieved that the barking and whining had not been accompanied by Jon's screams yet.

"O!" Ramsay laughed and threw his head in his neck. "How could I be so wrong?" He wrapped an arm around your shoulders and he pressed his lips almost to your ear. "They will use their teeth to undress him before they will fight over who gets the sausage."

You rolled your eyes and kept on looking at the door. The longer you didn't hear Jon scream, the more beats your heart started to skip. You tried to fight the thought, but what if Jon was actually that good with a sword that he would win?

"I do have to admit that I admire him for not screaming like a coward." Ramsay spoke out loud this time and you felt a shiver rolling down your spine. "The teeth of my dogs can be quite sharp. I am certain they must have done quite some damage by now." He pressed you a little tighter to his chest. "Or maybe they have straight away attacked his neck and have made it impossible for him to scream."

You swallowed a few times, but your throat started burning while you couldn't fight the image of a heavily damaged Jon with blood all over his ripped skin and his head separated from his body.

"I will give you the honor to see his corpse before everyone else gets a look at it." Ramsay grinned once more, but his grin faded when the barking turned into wining completely before there was nothing but silence anymore. "I assume the dogs are simply enjoying their meal." He shifted his weight from one leg to the other, but he looked up when a loud knock on the door interrupted the silence.

"Ramsay Bolton!" Jon Snow screamed the lord's name. "Ramsay Bolton. Open the door and let me out." His voice sounded deeper and darker than you were used to and you stared at Ramsay before you stared at the door again.

Before you realized it you were running towards the door and your trembling fingers opened the lock. You held your breath when Jon pushed the door open.

He was completely covered in blood. On some places it was as if you could see his bones and his dark hair was glued to his skin. He breathed in and out before he made his way towards Ramsay. Without a word, without a warning, he lifted his sword and pushed it into Ramsay's chest. "Now I've killed all the dogs." He hissed between his teeth before he pulled the sword out again.

Ramsay's eyes widened and the blood he coughed up rolled down his chin. He couldn't breath anymore and his body fell down in the sand.

"Come, we're leaving." Jon grabbed your wrist and pulled you along with him while the courtyard turned into one big chaos. As if he had not just beaten an entire kennel filled with dogs he jumped on his horse and with one hand he lifted you up and placed you in front of him. "Let's go home."

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