I wonder what I look like to you

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I wonder what I look like to you

Do you notice my eyes first?

Do you notice my smile

I fear that my last breath will be a sigh

thankful to leave

and when you hear I'm gone you'll sigh too

wanting to leave with me

Nothing is permanent in this world

even our thoughts go too

the memory of me and my life 

will leave this world too soon

I wonder what I look like to you

Do you notice my arms?

Do you notice my legs?

What hurts most isn't being a second choice 

It's not being a choice at all

but the thing about pain

is it demands to be felt even after dark

I have a tendency to get jealous

not over the important things

over the small stupid things

over thinking, it put my life in ruins

I wonder what I look like to you

Can you tell I'm sad?

Can you see past my mask?

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