Chapter Thirty One

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I stayed in Ashton's room for the entire night, hoping that he will come back so we could talk about things but he never did. He was gone the entire night and up until now which it is currently 3:39pm. Which means that he has been gone for practically an entire day.

I know that it was sort of my fault that he got mad but if were going into technicalities its also sort of on him for not staying to listen to my explanations.

He didn't stay to listen about how many memories were brought back with what Alpha George did to me. He didn't listen to how torn up I am on the inside that I was raped continuously and beaten for no reason, simply because he wanted too. He didn't stay to listen to any of what I had to say other than what had physically happened to me inside those walls.

I may sound whiney saying this but.. He didn't listen to what I wanted to tell him, he only listened to what he wanted to hear.

I sigh and walk up the stairs into one of the guest rooms since Ashton never really gave me a room when I was here earlier, he really just sorta made me stay in his room with him so I never got my own room.

Which means I have taken over this guest room as my own. I made sure that it was the furthest one away from Ashton's room so that I could have my privacy if he were to look for me or something.

I flop down on the bed face first, groaning at the soreness my body is still enduring. I keep reminding myself that it could have been much worse had they put wolfsbane in me to prevent me from healing.

Wolfsbane is like venom to werewolves, we hate it with a passion. It puts our wolves to sleep, meaning we can't mind-link, we can't heal as quickly as we normally would, we don't have any of our heightened senses. Its basically a death sentence.

Which makes me wonder why I wasn't injected with it as it was painfully obvious they weren't keeping me to give me a wonderful lifestyle. They were almost keeping me as a trophy..

I shudder at the thought of what more could have happened had Anthony not helped me escape. I gasp sitting straight up from my laying down position on the bed.

I completely forgot to visit Anthony!

Without a second thought I run out of the room and down the hall. I have to ask for directions a lot along the way but eventually I make it which provides me with a gruesome view of just what is kept in the cells.

I walk cautiously along the wall of the corridor, ignoring the helpless pleas of the people who live inside the cells. By the looks of it they have been there quite a long time.

I keep reminding myself that they were put down here for a reason, they aren't innocent. I will not allow myself to feel bad for them, for all I know they could have murdered an entire village and if I allowed myself to feel bad and let them free they would be able to do such things again.

No, it won't happen. I know I may sound extreme but hey, vivid imagination right? 

I continue making my way down the never ending hallway, avoiding the hands that try to grab me through the metal bars. It smells like burnt flesh down here, probably because of all the people trying to grab my through the bars which in turn burns their hand as the metal is laced with silver.

I finally make it down the hallway to where I turn the corner only to smack right into the chest of a guard. I am prepared to argue with him to move out of my way so I could go see Anthony only to be stopped with having to look up... Way up...

I arch my neck and look up at the giant that stands in front of me. God, I look like a little pebble next to the man.

"Excuse me, umm could you move please?" I try to sound sweet and innocent so I don't get on their bad sides which would probably make it next to impossible to for me to get through if they were angry with me.

"No." The man replies shortly, making me narrow my eyes at him.

"No? And why 'no'?" I probably look like a puppy to him while I'm trying to be intimidating but who cares.

"No, we are under strict orders from the Alpha to not allow anyone through this door." The man won't even meet my eye, he is looking straight ahead without even blinking!

"Well I am the Alpha's mate so I suggest letting me through the door before I have the Alpha come down here." I raise my eyebrow at him and smirk when he finally meets my eye.

"I apologize. Forgive me once again though for not allowing you access as I do not see the Alpha's mark on your neck. I do not believe you are the Alpha Female and I will still not allow you access through the door."

I frown at how formal he is, I didn't even understand half of his sentence with how he worded that but whatever. 

"Look here buddy, I am not in the mood to play around here! I am here to see my friend after he helped me escape the hell hole of a Prison I was kept in for over a month so unless you want to end up in that room-" I point to the door not to far down the hallway that I know is the torture room they use for rogues. "-Then I highly suggest moving your ass over there!"

I again point right behind me so he knows where I want him to stand, its good to be polite right?

He smirks at my little outburst but still doesn't move. By this point I am beginning to get frustrated.

A plan forms in my mind and without a second thought I immediately put it into action.

I run and jump on the man, making him lose his balance. He falls down awkwardly since he has my weight pulling him as well. Right after he touches the ground he uses the ground as a way to push his body up while using his hands to flip me over his head.

I groan at the impact of my head hitting the hard floor and immediately feel the sting when I run my fingers over where I hit it. Great.

I try once again by running at the man and barreling into his legs, making him fall - once again. He growls in annoyance and grabs my arm before flinging me into the wall.

I whimper and fall to the floor. Probably not the best plan I've had, whats with me and these plans lately? I blame it on the lack of sleep.

I'm about to get up of round three when the loudest growl I've ever heard comes from right behind me.

I arch my neck to look up behind me only to see my mate standing there with the most deadly look I've ever seen on his face. He looks at the guard, watching his every movement with calculating eyes.

"A-Alpha..." The guard looks as though he is about to explain his actions but is interrupted by Ashton launching himself at him.



Hey guys c: Ok so this may not be the best chapter per-se but thats mainly because I wrote this in school so I was kind of multitasking with doing my work and then writing. So I hope you enjoyed despite the obvious lack of attention I put into this chapter, I just really wanted to update.

I hope you guys are having an awesome Monday, if you are maybe you could spread the love and vote and comment? Maybe even follow me? <3

-Skittles 💋

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.

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