Chapter Three

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Kate's footsteps. So loud and so fast that the entire street could hear it.

" He's here,isn't he?'', I asked rather excitedly.

She gaped at me. Her placid mind could observe nothing. She always nodded to whatever I said. She was here just for the money.

"Oh don't tell me you couldn't calculate the time it would take to from the Palace to here. Of course he's a bit late than I thought....probably up to something in the way....Ah! Disguise." I sniggered. Kate's mouth was still slightly open. I gave a victorious smirk. I'd never failed to surprise her with my sudden deductions.

Deductions. The childhood games.

I smiled at that thought. But there wasn't any time for sentiments.

"Kate! Bring them to the room. Let me get into my battle dress.'' I quickly exited the room.

This was my chance. My only chance to get him bring him back.

I walked down the stairs. I glanced at the kitchen on my way down. There he was. Dr. John Watson. Sherlock's new ''friend".

Friends. He used say that we live in a world of goldfish. So did Mycroft.

I was standing on the last stair. I heaved a huge sigh. What if he does remember me? I shook my head, as though I could physically remove the thought from my head through that action.

I walked in. Not as Irene. But as The Woman. The aura of confidence that I always wore.

He stared at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2016 ⏰

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