Chapter 2~Who Are You?

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'Mikleo's Perspective'

The loud howl echos through the air as I stop my arte casting. "Sorey, back up for a sec." I say as I walk closer to the white wolf. Its eyes snap open, and I can see the fear and regret in them, which surprises me. Hellions are supposed to be killers, with no regret. I take another step towards it.

The wolf responds to my action by backing up a bit, sniffing the air. The fire on its tail in battle vanishes, and I take yet another step, offering out a hand. A paw enters it and shakes it, and I jump back to see the wolf showing a wolfish grin. "Can you talk as well?" I say, a note of sarcasm entering my voice.

"Mikleo, why are you talking to the hellion?" Sorey asks me as he steps forward. "I have no idea. It obviously can't talk back-" The wolf singes my hand at that, and I step back cautiously. It steps towards Sorey, dragging Gramps' pipe out of the side pocket. A small pouch of herbs falls out along with it, and the wolf begins to use the pipe.

A small fire appears on top of the pipe before a cloud of smoke puffs out. The wolf seems satisfied with this, and quickly extinguishes the fire it used to light the pipe.

'Before I explain how I'm talking in your head, I'm (Y/N). Seraph turned hellion.'

Your Perspective:

Mikleo jumps back as you shout your thought at him, falling onto the grass. Sorey rushes to his side, staring at you the whole while as Mikleo tries to wave off the help. 'Oh? I thought seraphim would still be graceful after two years. Look who's wrong today.' You think sarcastically in a teasing tone.

Mikleo glares at you, setting his hand on his staff protectively. "I am not clumsy!" He replies, earning a strange look from Sorey. 'Looks like it's a one way system, huh? Explain how you're not insane to Sorey, I'm eager to watch.' You tease, giving him another wolfy grin. "Mikleo, are you okay?" Sorey asks the now steaming Mikleo as he sets a hand on his shoulder.

Mikleo ignores the question and starts walking past me. You whine as Sorey follows, still concerned. 'Uh.... you're kinda forgetting that I still have your pipe, and that I'm a hellion that suddenly stopped attacking you. I will answer any questions you have if you come back.' You yell, causing Mikleo to turn and stare at you.

"First thing I wanna know, (Y/N)? Well, first, I want to know exactly who you are."

~~End Chapter~~

A/N: Woo! Another chapter done! Most chapters are gonna be about this short, but I think it came out pretty good! How do you guys think you are talking? If anybody reads this! Optimism!

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