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January 3rd, 2009.


"Violetta, please come down here. You have a visitor." My mom tells me as she enters my room. I put my homework away into my binder before walking downstairs to see who it is.

"Oh, hi Harry." I greet him quietly.

"Hello, how did it go last night?" He asks, shoving his hands in his pockets. His nose was red from the cold air and his breath was visible.

"Horribly," I frown, thinking back to my date who stood me up. "He did not even meet me there."

"He was a jerk anyways," he rolls his eyes. "Can I come in? It's freezing out here." He says with his teeth chattering afterwards.

"Oh, yeah sorry." I apologize with blush rising to my cheeks. I step aside as we walks in and wipes his feet off on the beige carpet.

"Do you want to get something to eat in a little while?" He asks me as he takes off his beanie.

"Yeah, I did not get anything to eat last night." I frown again, remembering how my crush left me alone.

"Do not think about that jerk, Keith." He scoffs. "Who names their child Keith, anyways?" He asks which makes me crack a smile for the first time.

"I will get dressed then meet you down here." I tell him before walking up the stairs.

I brush out my knotty hair–which just makes it frizzy. I throw it up in one of the ugliest buns I have seen. I slide on my black jeans and blue sweatshirt before putting on my vans.

"Where are we going?" I ask him once I see him downstairs.

"The place we always go to, obviously." He chuckles before leading me out to his car.

"So, how was your day." I ask him as I put my seatbelt on.

"Well, it kind of just started. But, so far so good." He shrugs, turning the radio on. "You?"

"Better now that I have actual clothes on." I laugh. "I hate him so much."

"So do I," he says while he parks the car. "You will find better guys in the future, I promise." He flicks my nose, then gets out of his car. I do the same and immediately huddle up to my sweatshirt.

"It is below freezing out here."

"Bambina, it is only thirty four degrees." He laughs at me as we walk in.

"It is still cold." I roll my eyes, letting my arms down when the warm air hits me.

"How many?" The waitress asks us.

"Two," he says, shuffling uncomfortably.

"Alright, follow me." She smiles, grabbing two menus. "Your waiter will be here in just a second." She says before walking off.

"Bambina, I need help." He sighs, playing with the rings on his fingers.

"Yeah? With what?"

"I like this girl, but I don't know if she likes me back. You are a girl, so I thought that you would understand."

"Okay, why do you like her and how long have you liked her?"

"I do not know, it is just her, you know? I am just completely drawn to her, no matter what." He purses his lips. "And, I have liked her for the longest time, but I am just now realizing it."

"What is her name?"

"Lily," he says after a small pause. "She is just the most beautiful girl I have ever met, but I can not tell her."

"Why not?" I shrug as our waiter arrives.

"What can I get you to drink?"

"Water," I say with a small smile.

"Sure thing, and for you sir?"


"Okay, those will be out momentarily."

"I can not tell her because it would ruin things."


"We are friends and I can tell she does not like me in that way."

"Aw, who would not love your terrible jokes and awful dance moves?" I ask him sarcastically.

"Shut it, would you? I am perfectly fine."

"What about our eight grade dance?" I ask him with a teasing smirk.

"That was one time!"

"I thought it was so adorable that you were motorcycle boxers." I say, trying to conceal my laugh.

"What about when you ripped your pants and showed off your CareBear underwear?"

"It was laundry day!" I say as I kick his shin.

"Here you go," our waiter says while placing our drinks down. "Have you decided what you will have, or do you need more time?"

"I will have the plain Patty Melt." I tell him as I close my menu.

"And you?" He asks Harry once he writes down my order.

"Regular burger and a side of fries." He tells him, doing the same thing as I did.

"Okay, those will be out shortly." He smiles before walking off.

"Why are you not asking her out?"

"Because, Vi. You do not understand. I just simply can not." He says before taking a sip of his disgusting soda.

"Ugh, how can you drink that?"

"Because it is good. Water is gross."

"It has no taste, how can it be gross?"

"Because, it has no taste!" He grins before blowing a spitball on me.

"You are so revolting." I scoff, throwing my straw paper at him.

"But, you love me." He smirks.

"Sure, bud." I chuckle. "Stop changing the subject! Just ask her out."

"I already told you, I can not."

"You are such a pussy." I roll my eyes.

"You are what you eat." He smirks, resting his elbows on the table.

"That does not apply to you since you can not ask out a girl." I say before drinking me water.

"You are such an ass, Bambina."

"You are what you eat."


sorry for the long wait, guys.

I had a MAJOR writers block.

but, I will try to be more consecutive with my updates (:

also, I took down robbers (not like anyone noticed.) because not a lot of people read it and I don't want to spend time writing something people won't read instead of writing something that people will read.

but yeah, sorry.

with love„


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