Help Me Heal ~Short Story~

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Hey guys!!!

SO I know I haven't uploaded anything in a while but, if you read my rant, you'll know that school is basically kicking my ass and taking all my time.

But here's the thing. I had to write a short story for my Creative Writing class, and it hit me; why not just write a sequel to Help Me Feel? THAT WAY I get a short story for my class, AND I can upload something some people actually want to read!

It's a win-win!

So it's kinda long, but also kinda short! I hope you like it, and if you DIDN'T read my Help Me Feel, just know there are mentions of cutting. Don't worry, she doesn't in this one. It's actually really happy! And kind of sucky... I'm hoping this makes sense to anyone that didn't read HMF, so let me know what you think!!!

Love you guys! The Ariel Killer will be updated as soon as classes end, which is in a couple of weeks!!

 PS: Cover was made by @takanorikarlyn, and the cover on the side was done by @resplendence!!

Help Me Heal

“Brandon! Get out here now before I turn the hot water on!” Andrea Wells yelled to her best friend and house-mate, Brandon Hemings. She was eager to get to her first class of her freshman year of college, and he wasn’t exactly helping in any way. He always did take too long to shower.

                “I’m getting out! I have to look good! What else do I have?” He shouted back, and she heard him turn the shower off. Finally.

                “Well, I have to look good too! Why else do you think I woke up at five in the morning?” She had woken up early, determined to show her more confident side. So much had changed since she’d first met Brandon her senior year of high school. She’d had to repeat her senior year, but she’d spent that year applying for Art scholarships, having finally accepted that she might actually have a little talent. She almost hadn’t gotten any, because of her lack of school clubs, but after she’d explained her story of abandonment and depression, they’d understood and given her a one-year free ride to the same college Brandon was going to. If she kept her grades at an A level and took an Art major, she could keep the scholarship. It was a lot of pressure, but Andrea had Brandon. He could help her through it. He’d survived his freshman year already, and was entering his sophomore year this time. They’d entered a couple of class together, but the other two were their own, to allow for something to talk about and give Andrea a chance to explore and get back into social events.

                Her senior had been spent focusing on school, and getting reacquainted with her father, who she still refused to call dad. He’d been better though; told his company he didn’t want to travel any more, that he needed to be in one place. He’d been allocated to a single office in the city, and they’d tried talking. He’d made it through rehab, been clean and sober for about a year now, and was really turning himself around. Occasionally he’d slip up and call Andrea her mother’s name, but now the mistake led to a conversation about Jane, about who she’d been, who she could have turned out to be if she hadn’t killed herself all those years ago. They’d talk about what their lives could have been, if they’d have been close. Andrea had even gone out with Brandon once, and her father had tried to give her the sex talk. It had been awkward and uncomfortable, but Andrea hadn’t been happier. She had a father, just like she’d always wanted. She couldn’t be upset with that, could she?

                But now she was living with Brandon in some off-campus housing, and she loved it. Her father clearly made a lot more money sitting at a desk job, and offered to help pay some of the rent. Andrea assumed it was to help make up for the years of neglect, but she didn’t mind. With the scholarship and him paying her rent, she didn’t have to work while at school. It definitely helped.

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