Those Seven Minutes After You Die...

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Those Seven Minutes After You Die...

Did you know? Your brain still functions for seven minutes after you die. There's rumors about those last seven minutes. Some people say that you have an out of body experience, and you stay there with your body until your seven minutes are up. Others say that you visit all your family and friends, and give them your own sort of farewell. But the most common rumor about your last seven minutes, and probably the most repeated, is that your life flashes before your eyes, and then you get to say goodbye.

It sounds kind of scary, doesn't it? How it feels to know that every little move you make now, while your still alive, will one day flash before your eyes. Maybe, depending on what you believe, it decides if you go to Heaven or Hell. But would you be glad to relive your moments for seven minutes? Or no?

Now, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe there's no such thing as your life flashing before your eyes. Maybe you don't see anything with your last seven minutes of a functioning brain. Maybe, just maybe, there's no Heaven. There's no hell. You simply live a life to be put inside dirt upon dirt upon rock. Never revealing a reason for having lived. If that's the case, I question, why do we learn all these lessons, only to have them add up to nothing?

I think my real question, though, is if you get a choice during those seven minutes. I've heard stories that there's certain exceptions where you get to pick life or death, such as car accidents. It is this type of rumor, where I myself, must question if whether or not there is a God.

So, again I ask, do we get a choice? If it's a car accident that could've been prevented, can we live, considering it was not our fault? If it was murder, can we choose life? If we drove our car off a cliff, if we swallowed pills at a dance, can we choose to redeem ourselves?

I worry about these seven minutes, in all honesty, for my friends, and for myself. Quite sadly, I do not want to see my life flash before my eyes. Think I'm crazy? Well, maybe I am. See, reliving the good moments would be amazing, but then, it's the realization at the end of those seven minutes that burns you. You realize, that all those delicate, fragile, loving good memories, are gone. And you will never have those good memories, again.

So, if your life flashes before your eyes in seven minutes, what exact parts flash before your eyes? Is it every single part? Is it unimportant parts? What will you see, when your life flashes before your eyes?

The First Minute

In the first minute of your last seven, you see yourself as a baby. Do you ever wonder why you can't remember yourself as a baby? Do you wonder what it was like? This is probably why we have our baby steps remembered before death. We can understand where we began.

The first thing you remember is the first face you saw when you were born. Which, is most likely, the doctor. This is the person who first held you. This is the person who handed you off to your mother. To which he probably now says, “Your welcome.” Or depending on the case, “I'm terribly sorry.”

You then remember your mother. You see her flushed face, sweat laced hair as she holds you for the first time in your life and her life. You see her eyes, whether they were a mousy brown, or a rich blue, or a green somewhere in between.

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