Fallen Soldiers

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Based on the request by like-gabriel-and-castiel (tumblr)

A/N: Angel!reader

Heaven fell. Angels hit the ground faster than a human could blink. People passed it off as a simple meteor shower.

You were one of the angels, confused and panicked, suddenly evicted from the place that was once your home. You fell to some small town in Kansas, USA.

It was late, but a figure still stood in a church window, watching the sky fall. As you approached, you tried to communicate. "Help me. Please, help me." Glass shattered, unable to withstand the power of a weakening celestial voice.

But the human inside was strong. "Who- who are you?"

You were a bit surprised they could hear you. "My name is Y/N. I am an angel of the lord, and I need a vessel. Please-"

They reached up and held the silver cross pendant that hung around their neck. "An angel. And you need my body?" The human asked.

"Yes." You replied.

The vessel nodded. "I am more than willing to aid the Lord's soldiers."

Permission had been granted and your spirit entered the body. You took only a couple steps before collapsing. Darkness overtook you and you sank into a very deep sleep.


"Thank you, sir. That's all." Sam told the nurse, before turning on his heel and walking down the hallway of the hospital with Dean Winchester and Castiel by his side.

"So?" Dean asked.

Sam sighed and shoved his hands into the pockets of his suit jacket. "The doctor just... vanished. Very unlike her, apparently."

"Huh. Any ideas on the matter, Cas?" Dean inquired, turning around to find that the angel had stopped a few feet away and let the brothers keep on walking. Dean started walking back, and placed a hand on Castiel's shoulder. "Cas, you okay?" He asked.

"I'm fine." Cas answered, not taking his eyes off the door. Something drew the angel to it. Something familiar. "You two... you two can go back to the motel, there's something I need to check out.

Dean shared a glance with his brother, and nodded. "Alright, give us a call if you need to."

Castiel nodded, not paying attention to the hunters walking away. He raised a hand, and opened the door.

A patient lay on a bed, several machines attached to them. But Castiel could feel two souls. Two beings in one body. One human another... celestial. You lay in front of him, resting in a coma.

Ever so gently, Castiel placed his hand on your chest. You had been weakened, but perhaps he could heal you.

Y/N. Cas remembered that name. You were the closest thing an angel could call a friend up in heaven. You'd fought alongside him, you'd helped him... but once Uriel called Castiel down to Earth, he'd never seen you again.

Your eyes slowly opened. "Ca- Castiel?" You wheezed softly.

Machines were beeping like crazy now, Cas knew it wouldn't be long until staff came rushing in. "Do you still trust me?"

"Do I what?"

Cas reached out a hand towards you. "Y/N, please trust me."

You were confused, of course, but you'd never believed the horrible stories they told about Castiel. Well, not completely.

Carefully, you took his hand. Both angels vanished from the hospital.


"You kidnapped a coma vic?!" Dean yelled. "The hell were you thinking, man?"

Sam ran his fingers through his hair. It was slightly amusing, watching the humans panic for what seemed like no reason. "Dude, people will notice!"

"My vessel has no family." You piped up. "If Castiel erases the memory of a few people, all will be well."

"Your... your vessel?" Sam asked.

"Y/N is an angel. We were comrades back in the uh... good old days." Cas explained with a sheepish grin.

Dean sat on the edge of his bed. "So how does an angel get stuck in a hospital for three years?"

You were puzzled. "Three years?"

Cas led you to a bed, draping his trenchcoat over your hospital gown. "You fell with the others, correct?" Castiel asked, continuing when you nodded. "That happened over three years ago. I went looking for you."

Cas rocked back on his heels. "I was worried you'd died."

"I don't know if I can return to Heaven. Or if I want to..." You mumbled.

"You could always stay with us..." Castiel suggested.

You thought it over. It would be nice to see Castiel again, and wonderful to finally have some freedom. "Yes. I'd like that."

Dean broke the awkward silence. "Alright, we'll get some food, get you some clothes and show you around our new place."

Later, you sat in the back of a black car, belonging to the Winchesters. Dean called it "Baby", yet you had no idea how this vehicle related to young humans.

"It's slower than flying," Castiel told you, taking place in the seat next to you. "But you learn to enjoy it."

Your old friend showed you how things worked on Earth. You'd never left Heaven until The Fall, and saw no reason to. Of course, some things confused you.

But Cas explained them all with the eagerness of a young child. "They have rooms, just for sleeping in! There's plenty here, so I'm sure you could get your own. Y/N, even though we don't need rest, you'll find dreams quite enjoyable." Cas decreed.

You listened intently and asked many questions, Each one, Castiel answered.

For the first time in your long life, you felt at home. Especially when Cas placed his hand on your shoulder and said, "Welcome to Team Free Will, Y/N."  

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