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"Mom , mom look what I caught!" the two years old boy said with a huge smile while running towards Amelia.
She was sitting on the grass as the small boy showed her his closed palms. He slowly opened them to revile a pink butterfly.

"She is very beautiful , Leo" she said ruffling his her as he stared at her proudly. "But you know what you got to do"  the small kid nodded his head before opening his small hands setting the butterfly free. Then he run off to do something else. Leo was a replica of his father, his eyes , his hair and his nose were like his father's , except his lips for he had his mother's full pink lips. Amelia felt someone wrap his arms around her from behind as he placed small kisses on her shoulder.

"What are you doing ?" he said joyfully making her laugh.

"Leo is catching butterflies" she said with a smile looking at their son running towards them .

"How are you feeling?" he then asked softly caressing her not-so-flat belly.

"Better actually. The baby has calmed down and it's not kicking that hard."she said with a breath of realief.

"Daddy!" Leo said wrapping his arms around his fahers side.

"And how is my little man doing?" Robb asked as he grabbed the small boy and three it in the air before catching him , making him erupt with laughter.

"I brought this for you" the small boy said , handing his mother a blue flower, after he was set down.

"Thank you, baby" she gave him a kiss on the head. The small kid placed his tiny hands on her belly.

"When will the baby come?" he asked curiously, big eyes staring at Amelia.

"Any time now .Are you excited about being a big brother Leo?" Robb asked his son as he kneeled next to his wife. The toddler nodded quickly then turned his attention to Amelia's belly.

"I am going to play with it , and teach it everything and protect it." he said caressing her belly very very lovingly.

"I love you" he said sweetly before placing a kiss on his mom's belly.

Amelia turned to look at Robb to find him already staring at her with loving eyes. Amelia leaned and have him a sweet kiss.

"I love you" she told him softly

"And I love you too" Robb said proud of his little family.

~The End

A/n: okay guys that's it! I really hope you enjoyed the story! Thank you all for reading and voting!

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