The White Men

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I wake up from a surprisingly comfortable slumber. But I still wake up to this white room. I look over to see one of the white men. Oh those terrifying white men. Why do they wear white suits with white shoes, white gloves and a white mask? Why do they wear those blank white masks? The masks cover their heads completely, you can barely see their facial features. Wait?! I am calm. Why am I calm? I sit up and look at the white man. He leads me to my nasty white food. I sit down to eat, but I cannot help but stare at that white man. I ask him who he is, but he doesn't respond. I ask him again, and yet again no response. I just go ahead and eat and when I am done he grabs my plate and begins to leave. I don't know what compelled me to do this, but I grab his arm and stare at him before I ask him one question. What day is it? He just stares at me, but not as if I am nonexistent, but as if I had not spoken before. He rushes out of the room in not a panicked manner, but in an excited and joyous one. I sit down and wait, and wait, and wait. I sit there wondering why the white man acted the way he did. Just then, another white man walked into the room. But he was different, he wore more of a business suit and a fedora on top of his head. He sat down and just looked at me. "Would you like to sit down?" I was in shock. A white man spoke, one actually spoke. I go and sit down across from him. "So, one of my men said you asked them a question. Is this true?" I look at him, I don't answer but just nod my head in confirmation. "Interesting. Well today's date is Monday September 19th of 2016. Is there anything else you want to ask me?" I stare at him blankly for a moment lost in thought. September 19th, 2016. I look at him and ask him another question. how long have I been in here? "Precisely one year." ONE YEAR?! I look at him and ask why? Why am I in here? He looks at me and says "You were convicted for beating a man half to death." I slump back in the chair, just staring off into space. " You were somewhat justified as it was for self defense, but your methods were considered inhumane and thats why you are here. Well that and the fact that you became mentally unstable after." I look up at him and ask one final question. When can I see my daughter? "Oh, you want to know when you can leave. Soon. Not yet, but soon." I look up and thank him for answering my questions.         "Oh its no trouble. If you have anymore, just ask for me." He leaves the room and I sit there, pondering everything he said. I get to leave soon. Some time pasts. I hear some commotion from outside my room. I find the door. It's unlocked! I crack the door just enough to peer outside my room. It looks interesting but my attention is diverted by a man sprawling on the floor. His back and his face all bloodied up. Just then I see a big burly white man with a whip. A cat of nine tails maybe. Either way the white man strikes the bloodied man who I assume to be a prisoner like me. The bloodied man is crying at this point. And to finish this horrifying scene, the white man pulls the bloodied man up and whips out a long, jagged knife. The white man slits his throat and drags his dead body down the hallway. I close the door and go to my bed. Wondering why that man was treated that way. Then a thought dawned on me. What if that happens to me!

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