Author's note

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Hello beautiful lady/gentleman that you're here, cause if you're reading this, that means that you're interested for my story, so thank you very much for that act of kindness.

I'm here to clarify some stuff before you get to the story.

As y'all know the internet can be a dick so i want to say some stuff so we can avoid the drama.

1. As you won't know, my native language is not english so if i make some mistakes it's because of that. If you're willing to correct me nicely like saying: "oh, in this line you have done this mistake, it's actually like that." etc, i will gladly correct my mistake and thank you. But if you are like these cunts that say: " HEY YOU BICTCH, CORRECT THAT MISTAKE YOU STUPID CUNT!! JDHSJDHDNXJFHNDJXHDNDKUCJDGDHDJCHFHDJFNJDJD", then... you are a bitch, that's all.

2. As i have said in my description, the plot of my stories is inspired by other stories that i've read or tv shows and movies that i've watched, so if you see a similarity to another story, don't act like i lied to you about you're whole life.

3. Since i don't want to become a regular wattpad writer, i won't have a schedule about new chapters, when a new chapter is up, then it's up, i will upload whenever i can. So don't ask when a new chapter is up.

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