The fox boy likes ramen

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Disclaimer: I own nothing, not even my own life.
A/n: so yeah I wrote this out of tiredness, beer and pretty much not knowing what I was doing I'm sorry if you don't like it but if you do then hey, waddup keep in touch!

"Come on Sakura-chan! please go on a date with me!" We hear yet again our favorite lovable orange idiot of konoha, he was yet again trying to get a date with the pink banshee 'Hey!', and was obviously failing as the pink haired girl only had eyes for the Uchiha who would rather watch his whole family be killed again if it ment that the two people in front of him would just spontaneously combust.
   Said girl was ignoring the orange loving boy and instead kept blushing while trying to ask the Emo kid for a date who was just brooding and contemplating if having stayed in konoha was the right choice.
   The Uchiha had been waiting with these two while their Teacher had yet to arive. 'Kakashi! Three hours and the blasted cyclops has yet to arrive, I swear to god if I have to hear these two idiots talk anymore I'll end up killing THEM'
   Yes the Uchiha was not having a good day, but ok back to our main character; said boy just sat down on the patch of grass having forgotten about his crush for something more important.
   'Hmm I wonder what new ramen flavors have been added to the menu since I last visited ichirakus' the boy though having just ate there this morning before having to meet up with his team mates
   The rest of the day went without a hitch, do some D-rank missions, training exercises and the constant giggles coming from Kakashi every now and then as the teacher kept reading Master Jarayas newest icha icha paradise. When the day came to an end Naruto just wanted to go eat his favorite food, Kakashi said good bye to his team and naruto bolted to ichirakus faster than the cyclops could release another giggle
   The boy was rushing already catching the view of the ramen stand, he ran in and jumped to the nearest stool. The owners heard the bell ring as the flaps of the shop signaled that someone had showed up
   Ayame being the one who takes the orders and gives the ramen stepped from the kitchen to work. She was a little bored because as you can guess ramen was not the most popular food unless you were naruto, at the thought of the boy a tiny tint of pink entered her cheeks thinking on when the boy was going to pay her a visit. He would always make her day worth waking up, taking a look at the costumer she smiled and rushed to take his order.
   "Naruto!" The girl quickly ran to the boys side and gave him a hug, ha if you called molesting and rubbing against him a hug. The boy already used to this treatment only smiled and hugged her back
   "Hey big sis! I know your kind of excited to see me but I'm really hungry!" The boy said to which his stomach growled only proving his point.
   'I'll get him later' the young girl thought as she pulled out her note pad. "Humf! You're no fun naruto, what will you have" Ayame said as she smiled at her love interest.
   "I'll have two shrimp, three miso, and five chicken big sis!" the boy yelled as Ayame rushed to the back to her father to start the order
   Ayame only smiled at the young blond who had gotten her attention when she was just 8 years old, back then naruto was four and was just introduced to ramen before the kid fell in love with quote 'the food of the gods' she could only giggle and smile more thinking on how the small ball of sunshine made her days exciting. 
   "Anyway, how was your day naruto" she always loved hearing about his day, even though parts and pieces of naruto where growing the one thing that always stayed the same was his crazy stories about being a ninja.
   "It was fine, Sakura ignored me again and kept asking the Bastard for a date, Kakashi was late again and we did some easy missions" naruto said feeling a little let down because his crush never  returned his feelings.
   Hearing this Ayame frowned a little in her head always knowing about the boys crush on the ayames quote 'howler monkey'
   'Stupid girl always hurting my naruto, she doesn't know what she has! I've loved him since he was five! But that doesn't matter naruto will get over her and start seeing that I'm the only one he needs' thought the girl as more naughty fantasies filled her head about her and naruto embracing each-other and doing other things that there is no way in hell this author is writing about for the reason that this story will stay! Her face getting red as a small trickle of blood flowed from her nasal.
   "Umm big sis, are you alright your getting red, and bleeding!" That seemed to snap her out of her thoughts as she wiped the trail of blood.
   "Ah yes naruto! Nothing wrong see" the girl had gotten her blush under control and that was enough for the blond to smile.
   "Ayame! The food is ready hurry! You can flirt with young naruto later!" She heard her father say as she ran into the kitchen and got the orders but not before hitting her father over the head for his stupidity. Naruto on the other hand didn't pay attention as he was the oblivious idiot we all love.
  The ramen waitress rushed back setting the food I front of the nine-tails jailor, the boy ate the food as soon as it was presented in front of him, other people would have thought his behavior to be gross and the boy to have no manners but Ayame just smiled knowing full well that it was just naruto enjoying the food.
   'Come on Ayame! Ask him, tomorrow is Saturday and you know full well that he won't say no' the girl kept telling herself trying to find the courage to ask him out
   "Um naruto, I was j-just wondering, tomorrow is Saturday a-and there's this movie I wanted to watch so I was kinda thinking..." The girl kept asking to the boy
   Naruto in turn just looked at the girl paying no thought but nodding so that he would have more time to eat his ramen.
   "...Would you go with me!" The girl yelled out as to not go back, the boy just kept nodding while eating his ramen in which Ayame took it as a yes and started celebrating inside her head
   'Yeah! I got him now, take that pinky! Naruto is mine yes!, I'm going to blow him off his feet tomorrow! He won't even know what hit em' the girl yelled and did a small rant inside her head
   "Great! Now please meet me here at 5 tomorrow, ok?" The girl asked to which the blond looked up and only nodded his head "wear something nice ok"
   "Ok big sis!" The boy shouted out only catching about half of her conversation with him, something about a movie she wanted to watch.
   The boy payed for his ramen and ran out of the stand so he could go to bed as it was getting late, Ayame closed the shop and went to take a shower while thinking of her date with the blond. She came out with her hair let down with brown mini shorts and a big white t-shirt with a face of naruto on it. If someone would ask on who had their room more decorated with naruto her or hinata people would say the latter, not knowing to the extent ayames room was. Body pillow, plush, bed sheets, she had it all
   "Tomorrow will be the day, the day naruto finally sees that I'm the only girl he needs in his life" she said out loud while holding her naruto plush to her side, that night Ayame went to sleep similar to other days, dreams that would give anybody death via nosebleed from all the activities she was having with her blond.

Well there you go, it may not be that good but there's not a lot about this particular ship and I do really like Ayame. Plus witch girl would be better that the ramen chef herself, already knowing how to get to his love more than any other girl, this ship actually makes more sense. Follow me on Twitter @MrDeath153 to keep up with the story and tell me if you like it also dm on there too, I need a beta lol thx for reading I'll post the second chap in two days!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2016 ⏰

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