~Niall's POV~
Niall's POV
"Let's go boys!" Paul yelled at us from outside while the boys and I finished packing.I look around the room at the others and noticed that they were all on their phones. I grabbed Liam by the ear and Zayn by the hair and dragged them out of the room where Louis and Harry were already walking out the door.
We got on our shoes and pulled our suitcases out to the car where Paul was waiting. Getting into the car, Liam drove with Zayn in the passenger seat. Me, Harry, and Louis sat in the back, leaving the back row open of the black Cadillac.
"Where are we going Li?" I asked,Liam looking at me through the back mirror.
"Uncle Si told us to pick up his niece that's going to live with him for a year or so, then we're going to fly to his flat and visit with him and his niece for a while." I nodded then took out my phone to check twitter and Instagram. I decided to do a following spree and like some pictures just to make my fans' day.
As I looked through people's pictures that wanted to follow me, I came upon a couple pics of a gorgeous girl with brown ombré hair and hazel eyes. 'On my way to the airport! I just hope they won't take my Oreos!' I silently chuckled at her message, suddenly craving Oreos.
I decide to follow her on Twitter and Instagram. I opened the Twitter app and mentioned her in a tweet. '@KatHoran<3 Now I want Oreos, Liam is gonna hate you for that;)' I closed the Twitter app and leaned forward. "Leeyyyuuummm!!!!! Can we please please pleeeeeesaaassseeee get some Oreos? Pretty please? I'm starving!" I exclaimed, over exaggerating a bit on the starving part.
"Niall, we just left not even five minutes ago and you ate all the cookies and candy we were hiding from you. I think thats enough sugar for a whole week." He answered. I bounced up and down in my seat.
"But the sugar isn't even effecting me!" I replied, still bouncing in my seat. He rolled his eyes
'Last time you ate that much sugar you were sick for days and I defiantly don't want you puking in here, Niall. Maybe next time. Why'd you all of a sudden want Oreos anyways?"
"Some girl tweeted about them and now I want them really really bad Li." I replied, using my puppy dog face on him. It always works and I hope it doesn't fail me now.
"I really hate this girl," Liam mumbled. "We'll stop to get Oreos at Walmart, Niall." He sighed after he told me this.
"YES WE GET OREOS!!!!! DO YOU HEAR THAT LOUIS? WE'RE STOPPING FOR OREOS!!" I turned to Louis and shook him. He chuckled lightly.
"Shut up Niall, I'm trying to sleep." Grumbled Zayn from the passenger seat. Well at least I get Oreos I thought to myself, closing my eyes.
A/N: Hay guys! It's been a while since we updated last, sorry! How've you guys been? Please vote and comment! Bai guys!:)