Today was a great day I talk to Micah at 6:00 this morning . While I was getting dressed he was at the gym working out with his fine ass when I think about it I be like 😍😍 . I talked to him all morning long until I went to class at 7 :15 . During class I was thinking about him and about yesterday. How we talked all day yesterday and how we mad Sundays are day to talk top with each other all day. I can't see him like I want to because we live in different places but that's what FaceTime is for . After school I did my homework and took a nap since Micah don't get out until 5 I slept until then . When I called him at 5:16 he was sleep and talking about I should send him nudes ( I sent some ). When I got home I told him I was going to call him back cause i was talking to my mom . When I called him back he was on the phone with his best friend because she was in the hospital for something I'm not going to tell you about. So I called kimani so I can figure out what we was wearing for twin day even tho I look better .
After I talked to kimani I went to go get something to eat . Omw back home I called micah and he was doing his homework and he wasn't In a really good mood at all I didn't ask him why he wasn't In a good mood I just told him I loved him and let he get his space . After Micah didn't want to talk to me I was upset cause I wanted to talk to him be for I went to sleep but he wasn't In in the mood so I went to sleep alone .