Types of Problems ch.1

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Everyone has gone through a hardship in their life.  Look at rich people who were born with a silver spoon in their mouth. They get to high levels just to think, what is next? Have you ever realized that most rich people resort to drugs, violence, alcohol, money, sex, SIN? Without a point in your life, without a reason to be alive, without a Savior who died on the cross for YOU to live, our world is a problem. Now lets look at the less fortunate. There are people in the world that don't get to eat everyday. There are people out there that can't sleep in a bed with air condition and ability to be comfortable. and there are less fortunate people our there that believe in Jesus because He is all they have. In Luke 18:22 Jesus says to sell everything and give to the poor. Would you be willing to risk your earthly standards to meet God's high expectations for you? Would you be willing to take up your cross and follow Jesus even if it meant that your biggest problem is isolation from those who will judge you because of your beliefs? Would you be willing to follow Jesus? or is that a problem for you?

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