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Me: Ok! *claps hands* well hello there my name is Mariah and you are... *puts microphone up to you*

Guest: Iris

Me: Well hello Iris, you are a bit young! How old are you?

Iris: 2 *holds up two fingers*

Me: aww! Ok, well I've heard you don't like alot of people. Why is that?

Iris: bwecause mwost of thwem are mweanies

(Because most of them are meanies)

Me: *nods* I understand! Well since you are 2 and my first guest! I brought you a gift!! *smiles*

Iris: yway! what ish it?

Me:A pony!!!! *brings it up to you*

Iris: A PWONY! i alway wanted ones!

(A pony! I always wanted one)

Me:*smiles* is there anything you would like to say before we go off air?

Iris: hehe lwove woo everyone!

(Hehe love you everyone)

Me: *smiles* thanks Iris we love you too! *waves to the camera*

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