Chapter 3- Idiots. They Are All Idiots.

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Chapter 3- Idiots. They Are All Idiots.

I laid there for god knows how long.

He better be worth it. I grumbled to myself as I flicked yet another bug out of my face.

Since I couldn't move, both from my muscles cramped up and the fact that it would cause unwanted attention, I was forced to lay in the same position I had been for the last few hours.

And let me tell you. Dirt isn't as comfortable as the Dwarves like to say.

I shuddered at the thought,  much preferring the open airy spaces of forest to the cold, dark and damp caves beneath my feet.

My eyes were sore from keeping a constant eye on the ridiculously stupid soldiers in front of me.

Humans. I scoffed.

All they did was drink, belch, fart and swear. Then laugh when someone makes a rude comment about another. Quite ridiculous, in my eyes. At the moment, the impending darkness added to the amount of stupidity as they guzzled more and more alcohol. The soldiers were passing around a waterskin of something that I would bet my life wasn't water.

I wrinkled my nose at the sour, pungent smell of alcohol that could reach me from here. "Ugh." I muttered to myself.

They laughed at some joke, nudging and shoving one another. I rolled my eyes, wincing at the movement. I sighed.

I can't lay here forever. I thought bitterly, and inch by inch began scooching my body farther in the undergrowth. How they didn't notice a body shuffling across the ground I would never know. My dark hair was a dead giveaway against the leafy green backdrop.

A sudden crack of a stick made me close my eyes and swear mentally. Idiot! I cursed myself. The sound made the soldiers jump.

"Who's there?" One of them called, hand going to his sword.

I roze, willing myself to keep perfectly still even as I trembled. If I was caught now, it was all over.

"Ahh, Jerry. Jus' go an see who it 's alreedy." One of the others said,  stumbling over his words.

"Whateveeer you worthless piece o'..." The sound of a scuffle followed suit,  and the voice continued,  "Ehhh alright. Save me some fer when me get back."

Uh-oh. Bye, bye Princese Emmalyn.

Loud footsteps made their way in my direction and I ducked my head into the ground.  The steps were uneven, shuffling one moment and stomping the next. Good news, he was drunk. Bad news, he was headed right for me. I held my breath as the footsteps stopped just short of where I was laying.

"'Ello?" He called.


"Meh." The soldier said sullenly, waving a hand and making his way back to his friends.

I released the breath I had been holding, peering anxiously out into the road. He had rejoined his buddies. They all returned to chortling. I backed far enough into the brush that I wouldn't be seen. I stood wearily, stretching my muscles with a small moan.

I quickly climbed a tree overlooking  the camp, draping my body over an over hanging tree and peering at my target.

The Elf sat hunched against the back of the wagon, head bowed. I couldn't see his face, I realized with a frown. His veil of hair covered my view, so I couldn't tell if he was asleep or not. He breathed deeply from below me, his chest rising and falling in long breaths. My gaze unfocused, and I squinted hard at him. He seemed... familiar. Although how I could possibly recognize him from this view befuddled me.

I know him! I thought, furrowing my brow. How do I know him?

Sadly, no recollection came to me and I sighed, now more than ever more determined to help him.

I looked cautiously at the drunken soldiers. They weren't paying any attention. So I broke off a piece of stick quietly, snapping it from a branch next to her, and reared my arm back to throw. As I let it loose, it sailed end over end until it met its target.

The Elf jumped as the stick hit him in the chest, jolting his head up he glanced around cautiously. Upon seeing no one, he frowned, confused.

"Psst!" I hissed.

His head jerked up, his eyes widening as they found me. His mouth opened as if to say something.

I froze, shaking my head frantically and putting a finger to my lips, nodding towards the guards.

His eyes showed understanding as he followed my motion. I squinted again, they were a blue-green. Ocean colored. Yes. I did know him. I just didn't know how.

He whispered to her, "Who are you?"

I just shook my head. "I'm gonna get you out of here."

He tilted his head quizically, his blue eyes wondering.

"How do I know this isn't a trick?" He accused in a rough whisper.

I rolled my eyes. "Fine. If you don't want help." I pretended to start to climb down the tree.

"No, wait! "

I smiled to myself,  but turned my green eyes back towards him. "Yeah? I got places to be."

He took a deep breath, "Sorry." He breathed.

"Do you want my help or not?"

He nodded, "Please." He whispered.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Okay. I'm gonna get you out of here. When the guards fall asleep,  I'll untie you."

"Do you know what you're doing?" He asked suspiciously.

I have him my biggest grin, "Not one bit."

"Greaaaat." He muttered. "Just get me out of here, I'm hungry."

I chuckled,  edging my way silently out of the tree, keeping a sharp eye on the soldiers.They were beginning to get sleepier. A few snores already echoed through the clearing. I smiled to myself.

This is gonna be fun.

An hour later , all the guards were sleeping peacefully, even that idiot Commander was hugging himself and snoring profoundly. I drew my knife, its blade glistened in the moonlight. I stealthily crept towards the Elf, keeping it comfortable in the palm of my hand. I ducked into the shadows as one I've the guards murmured and tossed in his sleep. I froze, but he quickly returned to an oblivious state.

I appeared at the Elf's side, and he snorted.

"Took you long enough."

I growled under my breath,  "I can still leave you here."

But I wouldn't. I knew it, and I'm pretty sure he knew it too.

I cut the ropes holding him, and stood. Reaching out a hand to help him to his feet, I pulled him up with difficulty. He was at least a head taller than me, broad-shouldered, hard muscles. He stared down at me.

I opened my mouth to say something,  but it was cut off as someone held a sword to my throat.

"Nice try, bitch." A voice snarled low in my ear.


Sorry it was short,  haven't really had time to work on it. Lots of homework. But lots to come in the next chapter.

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