Two Pieces-Chapter 4

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~Callie's POV~

I got in, buckled up, and turned on the radio. I had my iPod plugged in and it was playing Demi Lovato's song Warrior. Now my play list mostly is made up if Taylor Swift and Demi Lovato, judge me not.

I looked over at Anthony and he was singing along with the music. I looked at him and rose my eyebrows, giving him a questioning look. He smiled and just turned up the music louder.

"Now I'm a Warrioorr, now Ive got thicker skin. In a warrior!" He sang loudly.

I smiled and sang too," Im stronger than I've ever been, and my Armouurr is made if steel you can't get in! I'm warrior and you can never hurt me again,"

As the music dulled, I turned to him giving him a cheeky smile, he smiled back.

"Nice Harmonizing! We sounded great!" He joked.

I grinned,"Defiantly, now start driving!"

He laughed and turned the keys.



From school to my apartment we mostly sang. He surprisingly knew all the songs on my playlist.

We walked in to my apartment building and took the stairs I'm only one flight up. My apartment is a big size. it had two floors.

Once we got to my room I jingled my keys out I my pocket and turned them in the key hole, and opened the door to see my mom sitting on the couch with my dad? Yes it was my dad.

"Dad!" I ran up and have him a huge hug.

"I've missed you so much Cal!" He said while we embraced.

"You too dad, you too," I whispered.

I totally forgot Anthony was at the door way until I saw my mom eyeing him.

I took Anthony by the arm an escorted him in the living room, shutting the door behind him.

"Mom, dad, this is Anthony. He is my new friend!" I said excitedly.

They both looked shocked I know if its because I never brought a friend home, or if its because I brought a boy home.

Anthony was the one who broke the silence ,"Hello, I'm Anthony Presscot. Nice to meet you mr. and mrs. Shorts,"

My mom and dad looked at each other approvingly.

"Anthony, do you go to Callie's school? She never has talked about you before," my mom said with a huge smile.

I scowled in disgust, she never acts like this. She is only putting on this act because Anthony and dad were here. That makes me frustrated.

I spoke before Anthony,"No he doesn't, but we are going to hang out in my room so let us be please,"

I pulled Anthony by the arm out of the room but he managed to smile and wave before we got out. I heard my mom and dad mumbling about us. Probably thinking we were planning on doing something disgusting in my room.

"Nice house!" Anthony said with a smile.

I smiled back, that was my only response, if i said anything else it might come out wrong. I was beyond pissed at my mom right now, so I was afraid if I said something it would come out mean.

As we approached the top of the stairs I heard Macy gasp and sing, "CALLIE'S GOT A BOYFRIEND! CALLIE'S GOT A BOYFRIEND!"

"Shut up Macy!" I screamed.

I heard her chuckle before I shut the door to my room.

Once I shut the door, Anthony ran to my bed and plops on it. He gets himself comfortable by putting his hands behind his head and crossing his legs. His big blue eyes watching my fan circle around and around.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2013 ⏰

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