Gold and Kyran version

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~Gold POV~

i hope Funneh will be ok i mean first she threw up and then fainted i hope she did't hit her head to hard if she did she might go in a coma ok Gold stop thinking so deep

Third person

K- 0\\\0 OMG it only Gold and me i better say something to stop this awkward silence   

K- hey Gold do u think Funneh will be ok

G- idk...:(

G- wait i should tell Kyran that Funneh like Alec

G- Kyran i tell u something but don't Funneh or she is going to rip off mouth

K- ~laughs~ ok

G- ~start whispering~ so Funneh has a crush on Alec


G- shhhh they are comming back

A and F- ~walks in~

G- do u feel ok

so if this part is not the the same as the from that part from the last chapter sorry

F- yea

K- hey what your next class

F- P.E / Gym

K- P.E

A- P.E

G- P.E

F- hey guys i'm going to go to the vending machine i still hungry

A- go get a snack for me i don't want to end up like u

G- same

K- same

F- ok ~walk to vending machine~

G- hey Alec i have a question

A- yea

G- do u have a crush on Funneh?

K- yea

A- 0\\\0

K- is that a yes?

A- ~ nods ~

F- here are the snacks ~give a snack each eat her~

All- ~ eat there snack~


G- time to go

K- so let go

All- walk to gym

i'm going to update again later but i won't promise

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