Chapter 9

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The rest of the night went smoothly. Sarah and Harry had forgotten all about the little incident that had occured earlier that night, enjoying the rest of the time they had to spend together.

Sarah really hit it off with his sister and mum, which greatly pleased Harry to say the least. By the end of the night, the three girls had exchanged numbers, Sarah promising them that she would call if she ever needed help or advice. Just to have another girl to talk to would be nice, she decided. She hadn't had one of those in years. But now Sarah had her Harry, and that didn't really bother her anymore.

Throughout the night, Anne told many stories of Harry and Gemma over the years, and each one Sarah thought were just as hilarious as the other, while the two siblings would complain and whine in embarrasment.  Sarah really enjoyed their company. They were all so nice and welcoming, inviting her into their home that night. She felt like she was part of a real, normal family for once. She felt loved.

Sarah loved Anne. It felt nice having a motherly figure around again. She loved Gemma too, like the sister she never had, never even knew how much she wanted until now. And Harry, well of course she loved Harry. He was her best friend, her rock, the only person she knew she could trust. 

"Anne, that was amazing," Sarah said, putting down her utensils.

The older women smiled gently, setting hers down as well. "Oh stop," she giggled, quite flattered. It's not like its something she had never heard before. People always complimented her on her cooking. But she loved Sarah, and she wanted Sarah to love her too. 

After all the dishes were placed in the sink and everything was neatly put away, everyone filed into the living room where they chatted for a bit. Really about anything and everything, and how the kids were doing in school, and just the good old conversations. 

Gemma and her mother were deep in conversation, as were Harry and Sarah.

"Hey, wanna check out my room?" Harry asked Sarah, tapping her foot with his boot lightly. 

She gave a slight smile at the curly haired boy beside her and shrugged, "Why not?"

Harry smiled and grabbed her hand, tugging her along with him up the stairs and into his bedroom.

Sarah had wondered what it would look like ever since she had first stepped into Harry's house just hours before. Her eyes quickly scanned the small bedroom. He had a small, blue bed, posters displayed on the wall all around it, and a small oak desk in the corner. Dirty  clothes layed scattered in piles on the floor, along with a few wrappers and pieces of crumpled paper. 

"So uh, this is where all the magic happens, eh?" Sarah joked. 

Eyes sparkling and dimples showing, the boy laughed and shrugged, a bit dramatically Sarah thought. "Kinda." Harry sat on his bed, patting the spot next to him. Giggling, she walked across the room, careful to avoid all the items Harry had scattered in a mess upon the carpeted floor, reaching the bed in a second and sitting cross legged next to the boy who was looking down at her with a grin. Harry stared at her for quite a while before exclaiming, "OH!" with a hint of alarm shown through his husky voice. He got up, opening a small door acroos from the bed, which Sarah had assumed was his closet.

"What is it?" She asked.

"I have a surprise for you," responded Harry with excitement present in both his voice and his big green eyes. "Close your eyes, and don't peek!".

Sarah whined. "Harry, you know I hate surprises..."

"Just do iiiiiit."

She groaned and glared at him but with such love and appreciation in her eyes. "Fine," she said, unable to do so without cracking a smile. Finally obeying him, Sarah placed her small hands over her eyes. 

"No peeking!", she heard him call, causing her smile to grow even wider. He was such a kid.

Sarah giggled for the millionth time that night. "I'm not!"

Hearing the shuffling of Harry as he headed back to the bed, she felt the matress dip in just a bit beside her, where she was seated cross legged with her hands to her face. "You ready?" He asked her, his smile visible in his voice. 

"Just get on with it!"

Harry sighed. "You're no fun." He laughed. "But alright. I'm done, open your eyes."

Sarah, arms aching just a bit, dropped her hands from her eyes, and as they adjusted to the light, she found herself staring at Harry with a Polaroid camera placed in his hands, a small red bow set on top. She looked at it, and then she looked at him, a bright smile plastered across her face. "I know your birthday's tomorrow, but i got excited and couldn't wait to give it to you." He smiled sheepisly.

"Harry, you didn't have to get me anything." Sarah muttered softly as she inspected the gift,

Such care written across his face, he took her hands in his and looked her in the eyes. "Of course i did. You're important to me, Sarah." Sarah's smile was painfully wide, as he let her go and started turning the camera around in his newly vacant hands. "Is it alright? You always told me how much you wanted one and I just-"

Harry was cut off mid-sentence by Sarah flinging herself at him, wrapping her skinny arms around his neck. "It's perfect. I love it," she whispered, blinking back the tears that now begged to be let loose. In all honesty, Sarah hadn't recieved a birthday gift in a very long time. Her father never remembered, so she pretty much spent her birthdays alone, laying on her bed in her room, sometimes with a cupcake she had bought from the market down the street from her house. "Thank you." She gave the boy one last squeeze and kissed him on the cheek.

Sarah admired it as Harry placed the camera in her hands. "Come here, Harry." She motioned him to come sit next to her. 

He did so and she turned the camera to face the both of them. "Smile, Haz," she told him as the camera flashed. The polaroid slowly came out the front, Sarah as excited as a little kid on Christmas morning. This was the first picture she had ever taken with her new camera, and she was very eager to see how it would turn out. The two waited a while for their picture to be shown. Harry and Sarah both laughed at the outcome. Both of their eyes were closed. "This is perfect." Sarah giggled at it and grabbed the roll of tape she found on Harry's desk. She went to a blank wall on the opposite side of the desk and stuck the picture firmly onto the wall. "There. Now your room looks 100 times better."

Harry laughed and stood beside her, nodding. "I agree." They laughed together. Arms wrapped around each other's waists, admiring the wall.

Thirty minutes of funny polaroids and wall-sticking later, one side of Harry's room was covered with their faces. They laughed at each one like it was the first and were quite satisfied with their work. 

After their laughter had died down, Harry smiled at Sarah. "What are you doing tomorrow?" He asked.

She shrugged. "Graveyard, park, usual." She played with the hem of his shirt. "Why do you ask?"

A mischievous smirk played on Harry's lips. 

"Because tomorrow, I'm taking you out for your birthday."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2013 ⏰

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