People will say that they will be there for you when they almost never mean it. Trust me I know what it's like being rejected by someone you thought would be there for all of your struggles. People I guess just get tired after awhile... I never get tired in fact according to people I rely on others. But recently a bunch of stuff has been going on. My ex saying he would be there for all of my struggles just leaves me. Saying that I constantly need attention all the time, and that I always bothered him. Results after the breakup were being blocked and I know it will never be resolved even friendship wise... It breaks my heart thinking about it because I really did care about him. I loved him so much but I don't think he ever felt the same way... I miss him... But I have to move on no matter what and I have. But deep down inside I still am hurt from it. I feel like I can't trust no one anymore...💔😔