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"Wʜʏ ᴀʀᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʟᴡᴀʏs sᴏ ᴄᴏʟᴅ?"

Green Oak. You hated the sound of that name. It sounded so bitter, cold and downright unlikeable. Just like the person bearing the name. You hated his guts, it burned stronger than a close relationship with a Pokemon and its master.

But also, for other reasons, deep down inside of your core you knew you absolutely loved him from the bottom of your heart. Whenever he's around, your heart rate goes up ten times its normal rate and you're suddenly really shy, making you sulk all the time. Your cheeks burn up and your tongue twists knots in itself if he starts talking to you.

You didn't really get yourself either, feeling love and hate at the same time, all of those billions of feelings for only one person. And that person is the one and only, Green Oak.

You walked out of your house, saying your final goodbyes to your mother, breathing in the fresh morning air of Pallet Town. Today was your day, your day to become the Pokemon trainer you've always wanted to be. Chucks crunching into the grass, you stepped forward. You needed to go see the professor, for your first Pokemon of course. You weren't allowed to go in the grass without one anyways.

You carefully open the doors to the Pokemon professor's lab, smelling the aroma of an office and being hit by a whiff of icy air as you stepped in, closing the door behind you. Taking steps forward one by one, until you got to the table of three poke balls. You weren't so sure about this and looked around.

"Professor Oak?"

And there he was. No, not the professor, but his arrogant grandson, Green Oak. You groaned inwardly as he takes a step towards you with his smirk. He stops when is inches from your face, him looking slightly downwards at you. You inclined your head up at him.

"Hey ______! Glad to see you here!" The brunette sneers in a fake cheer. "Gramps isn't around, didn't I already tell you that yesterday? Or did that little pea brain of yours think it was too much?" He smirked as your mouth formed a tight line. "Excuse you." You said simply, trying not to be phased by his words. His smirk only grew wider.

Green chuckles. "Anyways, I've always wanted to be a Pokemon League Champion. You better not--"

The door opened and Professor Oak stepped briskly over the threshold. "Ah, you two got here earlier than me. Impressive." He says with a joking voice, chuckling amongst himself. The professor stops when he gets to the table.

"Here are your Pokedexes, they will help you along your journey on becoming a successful trainer." He smiled as he handed the two the shiny red device. You marveled at it, slowly checking out every single aspect of it. It was so cool. Green did the same.

"And these are the three pokemon I have for you two to start with." He gestures to the three pokeballs on the glassy table. Green and _______ walk towards the table, looking over the three pokemon.

"The first Pokemon is Bulbasaur, the plant type." Professor Oak continues on behind us, turning on a projector that showcased the plant type's stats. You nodded and your eyes glazed over the next slide. "The second pokemon is Charamander, the fire type pokemon." Once again, you were already planning to choose at this point. "And the third, last but not the least, Squirtle."

"You can choose first, _________. Ladies first." Green says with a teasing smirk and urged
you forward. You shrugged it off and picked up (Kanto Starter)'s pokeball.

"I already made up my mind." You chuckled, throwing the ball up and down on your hand. "You picked (Kanto Starter). Interesting choice." Professor Oak remarked with a smile. "Be right back, my aide needs me." The professor scurries off in a hurry, his white lab coat trailing behind him.

"Well, in that case, I'll pick (Kanto Starter with type advantage over yours)!" He sneers and picked up (Kanto Starter)'s pokeball.

You looked at him with an amused grin. "Still not confident you can beat me without having type advantages?" You told him teasingly. "Oh, I can beat you any day, any time, and anywhere. Just watch me challenge you and win." He chuckled, throwing the pokeball and thus, a battle ensued.

A moment later, you kneeled on the ground beside your fainted pokemon.


He laughed mockingly and returned his starter. "I thought you weren't just talk, but that just proves you are." He looked at down at your starter and chuckled. "What a shame. Some lame pokemon trainer you are." Green walks off with his pokeball in hand, exiting the building.

"Why, Green...? Why are you always so damn cold?"


(( A/N : Mmm first chapter finally finished :^) I shall update it tomorrow, and possibly finish this story since it's a half day c= ))

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