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"Iᴛ ᴡᴀs ᴀʟʟ ᴡᴏʀᴛʜ ɪᴛ."

Day 70
7:00 PM

It's been a few months, and ________ has grown to be a strong trainer, just like what she strived to be. Achievement after achievement came to her naturally, eventually surpassing the Elite Fours' talents.

She still hasn't forgotten about Green Oak, though. What a heartthrob, she always thought to herself.

"I wonder if he's still in Kanto? Is he looking for me?" She pondered aloud to her (Johto pokemon). It just merely shrugged and continued to play in the grass. _________ sighed and cocked her head to one side as she sat up against a tree, looking around the peaceful meadow around her.

She just realized she was in love with Green all over again, having a missing feeling slap her in the face a few seconds after. "Goddammit, Green. Why must it be you?" She groaned.

"Maybe I should find him... Maybe now that I'm stronger, Green will finally fall for me." The (Hair Color) haired girl smiled softly to herself.

Sure, she did change herself for Green these whole days, but in a good way. ________ looked a lot more preserved than her original look, she turned into a compassionate soul and she always smiled. Just what a cold person like Green Oak, needed.

The female teen picked up a nearby daisy and twirled it in her fingers, obviously bored right now. Soon, she was mindlessly playing a certain game with the flower.

"He loves me not."
"He loves me."
"He loves me not."
"He loves me."

_______ chanted softly as she plucked off each petal for each phrase she said.

"He loves me not,"
"He loves me."

She smiles as she picks off the last delicate petal, putting down the stem and getting up.

"Well, I guess that flower is correct. Plus, you changed a lot, _______. You look way hotter."

A deep, raspy voice of another teen rang out throughout the area. ________ turns around in surprise, her eyes widening and cheeks heating up at the figure who stood before her.

Green Oak.
Her crush.

Didn't he just say he loved her to? Only... Indirectly?

Whatever it was, _________ took off instantly and crashed herself into the brunette's arms, tears rolling down her cheek. "I missed you.." She muttered into his chest.

Green chuckled and blushed slightly, rubbing her back and returning her embrace. "Hey, what's up with the cheesy greeting I got? Plus, what happened to the feisty ______?" He asks jokingly, earning a slap on the arm from.

"I'm just kidding, geez woman." He shrugs. He pulls away from her and tilts her head up so they can look each other in the eye. Green puts on a serious tone, but it was hard to take him seriously since he was furiously blushing.

"Why did you run away, you moron? Don't you think its too dangerous out there for someone like you to be going alone in?" He says sarcastically in a joking way to her.

"Well... Green.. I'm sorry. I just ran away because I saw you flirting with those girls and got an urge to make myself better, as a trainer, everything I am pretty much. She hung her head in shame.

"______. That's a stupid reason for a smart girl." He rolls his eyes. "I wasn't flirting, I was telling them about you. They were talking shit, so apparently I had to charm my way in for them to listen to me." The brunette sighs and tilts her head upwards so they can stare at each other's eyes.

"Listen, _____. Never ever run away from me like that. Seriously. I literally searched everywhere in Kanto for you! I even checked the Celadon city department store. Everyone was worried about you. Don't do that, idiot."

Her expression grew to a shocked one. "Inch by inch? In Kanto? Oh, Green... You didn't have to do that." She said sadly, pressing her forehead against his.

"Oh please, don't tell me what to do." His smirk comes back on his face.

"It was all worth it."

Was all Green Oak said before engulfing her in his arms and pulling his new lover into a deep kiss.

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