CRYSTAL: (loud, excited) Hello and welcome to Pine High News I'm Crystal and hers Mark has today's story
MARK: thanks Crystal I'm at Mine Lake military training academy where a 26 year old male has been taken to Mine Lake hospital with a bullet wound in his chest experts say that he was shot by a one of the training robots. we will update you when we get more information, back to you Crystal
CRYSTAL: thank you Mark, here's Sandy with the weather
SANDY: thanks Crystal Tomorrow it will be Sunny in Brisbane, Sydney, Hobart and Perth. (Sandy points to the places)
SANDY: back to in the studio
CRYSTAL: thanks Sandy we have un update Mark has the update
MARK: the 26 year old man has died in hospital surrounded by his family. Back to the studio
Crystal: thanks mark that's all we got time for on the Pine High news.
Lab somewhere
MATPAT: there has been two people killed by these robots
MATTHIAS: I know, I know what are we going to do?
MATPAT: maybe stop putting the formula into these robots?
MATTHIAS: Ok let's try one more robot and then if anybody else gets killed we will stop
MATPAT: fine but if ONE MORE person gets killed you better STOP! (Sternly)
~Scene Ends~
My Drama script (artificial intelligence)
DiversosThis is my script for my Drama Class. Hope you enjoy!