Chapter Twenty Three (VERY important a/n)

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"Ashley, what the hell?" I half-asked, half-screamed at her. "Where in God's name have you been? I get, what, one text in the two years you're gone?"

She almost look like she cares for a second but that she blinks and sets her face in a glare.

"Oh, come on. It's not like you haven't been busy while I'm gone."

"Does mom know your here?" I ask.

"No, not yet."

"She should know."

Ashley laughed. "God, Amy, you haven't changed one bit have you?"

I huffed. Ashley is always so ridiculous.

"So can I stay with you?" she asked.

I deliberated for a beat. What did Ashley ever do for me? When had she ever been there for me?

hello my lovely readers! it had been a long time since I've updated- more than 10 months! I am sad to announce that I will not be continuing the story. The beginnings of this chapter were just a draft I had saved so I thought I would share. I don't remember the show very well and don't feel as if I would do the story justice. thank you all SO much for reading and supporting me throughout my journey. I never dreamed my first wattpad story would get to 15k reads!

thank you everyone. this was my happy place for over a year, couldn't have done it without everyone who votes and comments. xx

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2023 ⏰

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