#2 The meeting, the first date and a special

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After a long night's sleep Ryan slowly wakes up and streches out. When he opens his eyes he jumps up, hiding under the sheets. "God, are you always so creepy in the morning?" Ryan asked.

- Louis grinned and says "You were just sleeping so tight and cute"

- "I bet, but just don't do that again. It's scary" Ryan says feeling his heart pounding in his chest.

- "Am not" Louis protests

- "Well how would you react if I just sat there staring at you?" Ryan asked getting slowly from under the sheets.

-"You know what I would do, now get up you." Louis responded dragging Ryan out of his bed.

-"Hey let me go." Ryan shouted. Louis let's go and Ryan falls hard onto the ground.

-"Aaauw that hurted." Ryan says while holding the left side of his chest.

-"Well you says to let go." Louis responded.

-"Yeah but not let me fall" Ryan moaned in pain. "My chest hurts badly" Ryan says in pain.

- "Wow there now" Louis says suprised kneeling down next to him. "You alright?" He asked a bit worried.

-"What do you think?" Ryan says while trying to roll on his back, to get a bit more comfrotable. Louis grabs the opportunity to sit on Ryan.

-"Nothing intended here, just let me have a look" Louis says, while enjoying being on top of Ryan. Ryan's eyes open and he tries to scream but Louis just pushed the painful spot. Ryan screams in pain.

- "I think they might be broken or bruised badly" Ryan says while Niall rushes in to see what the scream was about.

- "What are you guys doing?" Niall asked while Louis turns around.

-" He fell of his bed and now he's in pain." Louis says cool.

-"He wouldn't have felt on his own, Louis" Niall says. "Let me have a look" he says while pushing Louis off.

-"Hey!" Louis screamed.

-"You're just making it worse though, Louis" Niall says while putting some ice on Ryan's chest. Ryan sighs in relief. "That feels good" he says.

-"I know I fell off the stage a few times, and hurted my ribs with it." Niall responded. "Keep it on there for 10 minutes, should feel better then." He says while smiling at Ryan. "And hey you're welcome for the stuff yesterday."

- "Thanks though, help me up if you want to" Ryan says while grabbing Nialls hand. Niall pulls him up commanding Louis to get ready, because they have to go soon. Ryan gets up still holding Niall's hand and asks. "Where you guys need to be?" Ryan asked, while putting a hand on the ice patch.

-"Just a meet up with some fans for the new cd that releases today." Niall responded.

-"Wow that's cool. Maybe my girlfriend shows up, she's a big fan you know." Ryan says.

-"What does she look like? She sounds nice." Niall responded

-"Yeah she is, she's the best thing that ever happened to me." Ryan says while blushing a little and putting on his pants.

-"I kinda meant what she looked like though." Niall says a bit shyly.

-"Aah well she's on my phone though." Ryan says while grabbing his phone and shirt. "Wanna see?" 

-"Yeah I wanna" Niall says a bit excitedly.

-"Wow you're excited to see." Ryan says laughing scrolling through his phone to find the picture. "Aah got it" he says while putting on his shirt. "Here have a look." He says while handing his phone to Niall.

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