The Life Without

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When the train arrived at animu it was late. The animu observatory was vary far away from ponyville. I had checked over the output a few thousand times and wrote a bit more of my novel. When the train stopped at the station and I got off I felt a feeling of excitement, I couldn't explain it. Maybe this was something I didn't know, didn't understand. I wasn't the best at what I did so an opportunity to learn made me very happy. As I walked to the observatory I admired the new surroundings, the atmosphere. I didn't come here often so each time was a treat.

I saw Virgil waiting near the entrance for me. We were good friends and he was passionate like me so we worked well together. "I think that this may interest you." He said, with a confident smile on his face. "What? No hello? No welcome back? It's straight to subject with you, as always." I said. "Well, the energy output is very interesting." He continued. "How so? It is most likely just a supernova." I asked, confused. "That's what I thought 2 months back but it's still there so something has to be going on." He replied. "Okay, well what do you think it is?" I asked with intrigue. "I tell you at the meeting tomorrow, I have something big. I want all your inputs." He said. "Fine, well I'm going to settle in my room." I replied. We nodded then left.

I entered the guest accommodation. My room was to the far left of the building so it was time consuming for me to leave. The building was old yet refined. Dark oak adorned almost any place it could. Upon entering my room I saw everything left from where I left it last time I came. That was about 5 months ago. I sat on my bed and let out a happy sigh. The output completely eluded me, finally something new. When I went to clean myself in the shower my mind was racing with thoughts. Nothing fit up in my mind, it was fantastic. When it came time to sleep I couldn't. I was far too excited. But alas, sleep must come for us all, as it did me.


I woke at 7 am, 2 hours before the meeting. I wanted to be ready for it. I could have just screamed at that moment but I kept my composure. This was the extraordinary. I went for a shower and ate some breakfast before going out to relax for 10 minutes. The air was fresh and the sky was blue, what could go wrong? I went back and got my notes, all of them, before setting off for the meeting hall. About 12 of us were going to be there. Just researchers, here to spread ideas. And that is what Virgil had planned. His 'big' announcement. He was the only one I knew properly. I had spoken to a few other ponies but no enough to call them friends.

It was nearly time, I was nearly upon the hall and I saw other ponies enter. But no Virgil. Maybe he was already in, preparing. He would be as well. When I entered I saw a large hall with a domed roof. It was used for other things but we had booked it for now.

We all sat down in seat around a table. I laid out my notes and checked them again. I saw Virgil with a large folder, I had almost no idea what was in it but it had to be good. He sat down and put his folder on the table. "Hello, you're all probably wondering why I gathered you all here today. Well I think I have discovered something big. As you all know the point of this discussion was the large energy output near the Aigle constellation. I use the ambiguous word output because anything more specific may mislead you. I have been studying it for 2 months now so it cannot be a super nova or such phenomenon as they have far shorter life spans. My theory may be just a theory but I believe that we may have signs of extraterrestrial life. " He said as the room filled with conversations and debates about the subject. I gave him a look that said 'really?'. He motioned the room back to silence again." Now, I know you must all have questions so allow me to answer some. " He looked at a dark red pony." Umm, yes. Well, what proof do you have that this is extra terrestrial life?" He said, nervously. "Apart from the time, the light seems to fluctuate in capacity several times an hour. This wouldn't happen if it were natural. It could be a message but we lack the technology to decipher it." He said. "Anypony else?" I stood up and looked him dead in the eyes. "Yes, why did it appear two months ago then?" I said sternly. "I don't know. That's why I believe we should make studying this our top priority." He replied. I sat back down to let him continue answering questions.

An hour past before the meeting was over. Questions fired at him and he either managed to answer it or ignore completely. When it was over I stayed behind with him. "What was that?" I asked. "What was what?" He said. "You, there. People think you're mad." I replied. "And? In time they'll understand." He said nonchalantly. "I won't without feasible proof." I replied, getting more annoyed. "Fine, just keep studying it. For me." He said. "Fine, but if I find out you're wrong then I'm disemboweling you." I said before walking off. "Fair enough." He replied. What was he thinking?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2016 ⏰

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