Chapter 1

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Toya Johnson
Today is the day I move into my new house I'm so excited. Arianna and I have been staying at the ritz Carlton for the past 2 months due to damage to my old townhouse instead of moving back in there I for a newly built 5 bedroom 5 bathroom in savannah Georgia. I woke up early this morning so I can pack the rest of our things that was around the hotel while arie sleeps. My baby is so excited to get a new room she kept me up until 3 keep saying "mommy we move damorrow and me get a new room" my baby so smart to me 3 that's my world. As I cleaned up my phone started to ring I walked over to the nightstand and picked up my iPhone 6s Plus and my bestfriend tameka was calling i talked to her while I was packing she told me her mom would watch arie while she helped me move my things. I was so happy I had help from my bestfriend because it's just me and the movers that I hired one more hand is good. Plus I don't have any family in Atlanta all of my family is still in New Orleans my family now is tameka family I've known her since I moved here and going to college she been there for me through everything. From the deadbeat ass baby daddy not being there or wanting to be in arie's life to my now successful business she's the definition of a real friend and she's also arie'a God mother. I was done now and it was going on 11 and arie still was sleep so I decided to cook her favorite princess pancakes, cheese eggs, and turkey bacon my child is spoiled and I'm the one to blame. I walked into my current bedroom and layer on arie she stirred in her sleep " mama wake up I made breakfast" I said rubbing her
Back she put her face into the pillow "mommy me tired" I laughed I told that child she was going be tired the next morning " come on mama today's the big day and you going over glam ma house while me and yo godmama move our thing" she hopped up she loves tameka mother. "I up mommy I up, where glam ma?" She looked around " I have to get you dressed and we going meet yo G-momma over there" I told her she called tameka G-momma " okay I eat then we go?" "No you brush, eat, shower then we going" "otay let go mommy you taking foreverrrr" she pulled my finger she so dramatic. While she ate I put on my clothes and I already had our last outfits out so we was ready, when she got done eating she took a bath and got dressed. When we headed Down to the lobby the front desk agent Jessica stopped me "good afternoon ms. Johnson we have something for you" she said walking to the back I grabbed arie hand and walked to the front desk arie was so busy playing on her iPad mini to even notice Jessica if you left her tell if Jessica is her bestfriend lol . Jessica walked back with some flowers and a box when she put it in front of me I looked at her crazy "what's this?" She smiled " the owner of the hotel he knows we had a long term resident and that today was your last day here this is his gift to you" I took the flowers and box " thanks jess" I smiled " arie tell jess bye so we can go" she looked up from her iPad "bye bestfriend I come visit you and you visit me" Jessica nodded her head and waved bye. We got into my BMW G-Wagon I made sure she was strapped in and started up the car "mommy play nicki Minaj pleaseee" I laughed at her I played nicki's first album she loved super bass she sang that song all the way to tameka's mother house. Once we got out arie ran right to the door ringing the doorbell I walked up and unlocked the door with my key "ma where you at" I yelled "Antonia don't be yelling in my house I ain't going tell your ass again" I laughed and walked into the kitchen where she and tameka was with my godson major who is the same age is arie just 6 months older then her I kissed him arie and mama goodbye " see y'all later" I yelled out me and T walked out she got in her Porsche Cayenne and I got in my car the first stop was to meet the realtor to get my keys. I drove and T followed behind me when I got to my new house the realtor was just pulling up we handled our business and I got my keys "Toya this is beautiful" I smiles and me and T walked around "thanks T" after I showed T the paint job and things the movers came with my new furniture T stayed to monitor and tell the people where to move the new things since she was my interior decorator while I drove to the hotel go get the rest of me and baby girl things.

Bryson Tiller
I was at the hotel finishing up some documents when I received a call from Harley daycare informing me that she didn't feel to well so I was in the process of closing out documents that I can finish at home when jess came in "B ms. Johnson was leaving out today and I gave her the gift you told me give her" she said as I was closing my laptop standing from my chair "that's nice she was a great resident never got any complaints about her you said she has a young daughter right?" She nodded "yes the sweetest most respectable little girl I know she kinda remind me a Harley their the same age" she smiled she loved Harley well she better that's her only niece. Yes jessica is my sister she is also the manager of the hotel. "Bro have you ever seen Ms. Johnson before" I shook my head " actually I've never seen her in the 9 months she been living here" "she beautiful bro you gotta see her" she smiled Jessica has been trying to get me to date every since Harley mothers died but I haven't found the right one every girl I go on dates with want me for my money and I'm not that kinda nigga you not ready get me out my money or trap me I'm good on that I have 1 daughter and me and Amanda planned Harley. We walked out to the front as guest was coming in a women walked in and walked up to the front desk with workout clothes on and her hair in a ponytail jess tapped me I looked she whispered that's Ms. Johnson she was indeed beautiful "hey jess you think I can barrow 4 of your employees any of them I just need help bringing my boxes down" I over heard her say I walked over yo her "hello I'm Bryson I can help you..." "Toya " she said "right I can help you Ms. Toya" "cute the Ms. out just call me Toya like jess does" she smiled "okay Toya i can get the bellmen to help you too let me take my jacket off" jess looked at me " wasn't you just leaving?" She asked before I walked to the back " shit Harley" I said palming my forehead " jess can you run and get her while I help her right quick?" "Sure anything for my baby but I'm taking your car" she snatched my Bentley coupe keys I rolled my eyes at her and went to take my jacket off I walked back out she was still standing at the desk talking to one of the front desk agents "Toya you ready ?" She looked at me and nodded "yes" we walked to the elevator and went to the 16th floor we got to her suite and she use her key "my last time using this it's bittersweet" she said. This is my time to see how my guest like my hotel "so how was your stay here?" I asked as we was putting her boxes on the luggage cart " it was great the staff was really polite to me and my baby girl I have no complaints what so ever it's a greatly ran hotel" she smiled "that's good glad we can help you" done with 3 luggage carts and 2 more to go we continue to talk "why haven't I seen you around here this is my first time seeing you" she asked I smiled that and remembered I never told her I was the owner " oh I'm more of a behind the senses guy plus I be at the downtown hotel more then buckhead" she nodded "what do you do I mean you staying in the live-in suite so you must have a great job. She giggled " actually I'm a clothing store owner" I nodded she must sell good stuff staying here "that's good, business owner" she nodded as we finished her last cart and was on our way down the elevator we loaded up her G-Wagon. "Thank you so much I would've been forever by myself" no problem" "can you check me out?" She asked I looked around all the other front desk agents was busy I don't know how to work the computers I was ready to tell her but was saved by my baby girl "daaaaddddyyyyy" she came running into my arms "hey squirt" I kissed her "I thought you didn't feel good you look fine to me" she smiled "you know me wuv you right? " she asked "yes" "otay then me missed you duh" I laughed as I head giggles "Harley say hi to ms Toya" she waved " hi cutie how old are you?" Toya asked "twree" I laughed and Toya giggle "really I have a daughter and she's three too" Harley head popped up "rweally me wanna play" I laughed "actually she was just leaving Harley" yeah maybe I'll bring her by tomorrow since it's Saturday and she can meet you if that's okay with your daddy" she looked at me " that's fine how about 4 o'clock here they can play in the pool?" I asked her " that's fine 4 o'clock it is" she waved walking out "daddy we go home now?" She asked " yes squirt we can go home" she wiggled down and went to hug jess"bye auntie me see you tomorrow with my new friend Toya" I laughed she think toya is a kid "bye pooh" I grab my thing and we hopped in the Bentley head He. "Squirt what you want for dinner?" "Mmmmm chicken and fry fry" " okay chicken and fries it is" when I pulled up and home I seen moving trucked at the newly built house next to mines it was a short light skinned lady  and the movers leaving I walked in my house and Harley went to her room and I went to my man cave/ office  to finish working I shouldn't be more then an House it was still early since Harley cut my work day short at the office. Round 5 o'clock I went to check on Harley when I walked in her room she looked up and smiled "daddy can I go outside and right my car?" She ask "sure come on put your shoes on" once we got her shoes on we walked down the stairs and she got in her BMW car. She played out side I went in and took the chick out really quick when I got back out she was sitting on the porch when a black G-wagon pulled up the drive way of my new neighbor house. Me and Harley walked in the house so I could start cooking.

 Me and Harley walked in the house so I could start cooking

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-key💖How was my first chapter My first time writing Hopefully you like it I need feed back

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How was my first chapter
My first time writing
Hopefully you like it I need feed back

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