Chapter 4

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Bryson Tiller

I woke up this morning with the worst hangover I've ever experience I got out the bed to go and brush my teeth once i got to the bathroom I looked in the mirror and noticed the stain on my lips I know I was drunk but I don't remember drinking anything that would make my lips be this color ion even think they made drinks to make your lips nude. I just brushed my teeth and washed my face once i was done i went to my room and got my towel i turned my music up and turned my shower on i was kid free until i wanted to get baby girl from Jessie so I took this time to get the house clean and eat to get rid of this damn hangover.

once I was down with my things I occupied my self with to get my mind off this hangover i went upstairs to put on some clothes to go pick up Harley. I grabbed my phone to call my sister put noticed all the notifications on my lock screen. some from my boys but one caught my eye the most it was toya i tapped her name and put my lock code in "call me when you get up" i went to the top right of my phone and went to her number to call her.

it rang and i was about to hang up but she answered 

"hello" she yelled through the phone i moved the phone from my ear her ass was to damn loud for me.

"Yeah its bryson you told me call you"

"oh yeah I wanted to let you know i have you car keys and that i would take you to your car once your ready"

I looked out my window and my damn G-Wagon was indeed not outside and my Bentley is in the shop.

"ummm thanks i guess i was pretty fucked up last night huh?"

she started laughing "you have no idea" she mumbled that made me want to question her

"you drove me home or my boys?" i asked 

"I did your boys left and you didn't want to leave so we stayed i drove us home"

"Oh.... thanks i guess since i probably gave you a hard time last night how about we talk over i Hop" she started laughing 

"I guess because i had to deal with you last night"

"alright get dress um waiting" i laughed 

"Okay ,okay i was putting on clothes anyways come over ill leave the door unlocked" she hung up I walked out my house locking it with my spare key and headed across the grass to her house and like she said the door was unlocked I walked in "TOYA" I yelled just to notify her i was here.

"im coming boy you yelling and shit" she said walking down the stairs 

"you see how i felt when i called you im still trying to get rid of this hangover"

she laughed as we walked to the door "yeah you was pretty fucked up last night" she said walking to her car 

I had a lot of questions once we get to i Hop ill ask them though i started remembering some of the stuff from last night but the lip stick she is still cloudy and since Toya was the last person i was with im sure she had some answers for me but until then i would just enjoy the ride.

once she found us a park out front of the i Hop we got out once we got in we found an empty seat. the waiter came took our drink and food order once we started to stare at eachother so i went for it. 

"Toya i got something to ask you" she stop sipping from her orange juice 

"wussup" she said i could see that i had her undivided attention 

"when i woke up this morning i had lip stick on my lips and since you was the last person i was with so do you know who lip stick it is?" she nodded her head but didnt say anything.

"are you going tell me or just keep quiet?" i asked getting impenitent she looked up

"it was me we was dancing and having a good time when we was leaving you kissed me and i kissed back, you asked me out and i told you if you remember in the morining and was sober enough to remember and you ask me again ill let you" she rushed out saying everything in one word.

i looked up at her she had her head down i reached over and lift her head up "why you got yo head down" she just looked at me and then looked down again 

"Toya its no need to look down your a beautful women so im sure i did ask you out when i had the courage" i laughed

"Yeah but your sober and you didnt ask yet so i guess your not intersted"

"havent you heard "drunk man speaks a sober mind" " i smiled at her 

"but why did it take for you to get drunk to ask me out?"

i sighed getting ready to talk about harley's mom.

"I havent been out on a date since i was dating harley's mom jess always try to get me to go out but i always bitch out i just recently decided on trying to date she been gone for a while and i wasnt ready at first but i guess iam because im attracted to you soooooo are you going to let me take you on a date" i looked at her and she nodded 

"sure bryson you find the place and the day and let me know but since you brought up your pass i quess i can tell you a little about mines" she sighed "my ex was my first everything i met him in when i first came to atlanta from New'awlains he was all i knew we dated and i fell in love with him he treated me like a queen and then one day i got sick i was throwing up, light headed,and my appetite had increased oneday while i was in business class i fainted and my friend Tiny took me to the emergency room and when they ran test i was pregnant when i got home i told him and he didnt seem happy time went on anda year later he left me and my baybeh all alone" she had tears coming down her face and i got out my seat and went to her that nigga is crazy who would leave they girl and they baby.

Toya Johnson  

once we had our moment i got my self together and we ate i took him to his car and he said hell call me later tonight when i left him i went to tiny house cause she said she had Arie with her when i pulled up to her house i seen the kids playing in the yard i killed my engine and got out the car my daughter ran to me and i picked her up along with my godson major.

i let them go back and play while i talk to Tiny i went to sit on the step beside her and told her about last night when she left, the kiss and bryson asking me out on a date she was hype she's been trying to get me to go on a date for the longest and now here iam ready to go on my first date in 2 years of being single i sat and talked she even agreed when he do she help me find an outfit and watch Arie for me i sat there for another 2 hours and once it got dark me and Arie headed home the ride home she was telling me how she had fun at maw maw house she talked so much but i listened i loved hearing my baybeh talk once we got home i gave her a bath and i watched sprout with her until she fell asleep i then tucked her in and kissed her cheek 

I went  downstairs and got me a glass of wine i went into the living room and turned the light and sat on the couch and sipped my wine on instagram then i received a friend request i went to it and it was bryson i giggled and exited my app and opened my messages to text him i clicked on his name and sent him a text "you stalking me now?"i seen the three dots indicating that he was replying i hurried and exited out the text my phone vibrated i opened it going to his text "not really just seen you on my explore page... why you up?" i laughed and replied "im not tired plus im having my nightly wine my child sleep so im chilling why you up?" i finished my wine and went to the kitchen for another glass of wine i poured it and noticed that was it and i didn't have any others which mean i had to make a trip to the grocery stop

me and bryson continued texting back and forth until i decided ill take my ass to bed he told me that he was free next week for our date i was kinda excited to go on this date but he wouldn't tell me where we would be going he just said to dress nice. like how the hell his that suppose to help me but i guess ill have to run with it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2018 ⏰

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