Pale Skin And Blue Eyed

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Mark lead back the hunting group back to camp heads held high tonight's dinner would be big. The group had caught a large elk,enough to feed the whole tribe and still have left overs. The shadow camp was found in a old factory in the middle of the woods, the place was built long ago but was enough space for the tribe to be a perfect fit.

Mark was a bit surprise not to see a guard at the doorway, feeling as if something was wrong he picked up the pace. Rushing into the building he saw his tribe members crowing around something in the middle of the camp. Before he could go see what everyone else was looking at a voice made him stop dead in his tracks.

"Mark glad you are here, I was about to send out a portal to look for you." Queen Amy stepped into sight. Her long blonde hair was pulled back into a braid that was also intertwined with flowers,while her sharp small horns stuck out slightly above her hair. Her dark green eyes locked onto the elk the hunting group had brought back. "Dinner will be great tonight, but right now our problem is something more serious." She said waving her hand for Mark to follow, the two made there way to the crowed that moved out of the way of the Queen. Mark had received a few glares from the male members, he was always the Queens favorite and most likely was going to become the next King. Though the choice would not be made until the Queen had reached the age of 23.

Amy stepped out of the way, showing what everyone had been starring at. A short green hair, pale skin male was on his knees while a guard had chains warped around his arms holding them tight. His arms showed the white markings that ran down his arm, showing that he was from the light tribe. Mark was in awe, he never seen a light tribes markings before. They normally kept them covered up, unlike the shadow tribe who proudly showed them off.

"We found him over by the north river washing up, he didn't explain why he was here. But either way it must have been a long ass walk from were there camp is." Amy said pushing the small strains of hair that refused to be part of the braid behind her ear.

"Isn't that a three day walk?" Mark asked eyes still locked on the male with his head hung.

"About, but honestly we aren't sure being that we don't share were our camps are."

The pale male's head rose after Amy finished speaking, that's when Mark noticed his soul pricing intense blue eyes. At that very moment Mark felt as if his soul was being sucked form his body. Mark had to look away back at Amy to break the contact of there eyes meeting and to end the feeling as if he was stealing his soul.

"So what are we going to do with him?" Mark asked.

"Kill him!"

"Bring him back and make them pay for him!"

"I agree we should kill him!" suddenly the members from his tribe started to shout out there ideas of what should happen but was slineted when Amy rises her hand once the crowed was quite Amy put her hand back down.

"I would like to see what Mark thinks." She said, somewhere in the crowed someone grunted that's when her eyes narrowed. "Does someone have a problem with that?" she asked. No one dared to speak out of place of the Queen, when no one spoke she nodded at Mark for him to speak.

"Killing him wouldn't give us answers, so lets make him a pensioner until he tells us." Mark looked back at the blue eyed male who still didn't take his eyes off of Mark. Why does he keep starring at me like that? Mark thought.The Queen nodded a bit looking back at the male, before turning to the crowed.

 "Mark will be in charge of the new prisoner, everyone head back to there jobs." she called out. Within a few moments everyone broke away heading back to there daily jobs. The guard who was holding the chains handed them to Mark before walking back to the front door, Mark glanced back at the pale male before tugging on the chains for him to stand up. The male stood up and walked with Mark down the steps to the small jail cell they made awhile back. Mark bit back his lip, he has never been in charge of another person before and felt honored the Queen made him do this very responsible job.  

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2016 ⏰

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