Draco's queen

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Name:Eclipse Ravenhell



looks: her left eye is purple but is alwas covered by her long lavender hair ,right eye is an ice blue, often wearing a fuck off t-shirt or wearing a black skull hoodie with blue jeans and black converse ,also a grey beanie 

backstory:Is the queen of a dyminsion where emotion is free an you can express it but you can't have powers or else you die Eclipse learned this at a young age that her father the king was exicuted for being able to control the tides that washed against the rock near their castle.Eclipse was born with the incredible power to "dyminsion hop" as they say when she was young she took her friends to one of the places and when they got back her"friends" told the guards that the princess was magical just like her father. As soon as eclipse herd this she was heart broken her exicution was in 15 minutes so eclipse did the only thing she could think of she grabbed a bag and stuffed it full with clothes and hopped into a diffrent dyminsion where she stumbled upon a house it was big not as big as her castle but still big she walked up to it and rang the doorbell and out came the mayor of the city,at first he questioned the 10 year old but soon he came to love her as her father once did as A father one did.


powers:levetation,teleportation,"dyminsion hopping"(idk how to put it -_-)fire manipulation,mind manipulation

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