The Funeral

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💙Laurence's POV💙
It was the day of Kawaii~Chan's funeral after the fight. Nekoette was standing next to her mother's lifeless body crying. I feel so bad for her, she shouldn't have to go through this, no one should.

💔Nekoette's POV💔
I saw momma~chan in a box. Is she going to come back? Suddenly I saw Aphmau~Senpai. "Aphmau~Senpai!" I shouted to her. "Hi Nekoette. How are you doing?" She asked. Honestly, I felt horrible but I lied to her "Nekoette~Tan is better." I told her. "Well that's good" She said and walked away.
1 hour later
The funeral is over and I still feel awful but better knowing that momma~chan is in a better place now. So I can rest assured, momma~chan is happy.

Wow, that was deep. I did not know I could write that deep. I know I missed updating yesterday, I'm sorry.
💖Word Count 155💖

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