So one cold wintery day a 13 year old girl was sick. It was a monday so she wasn't surprised at the fact. But she was sad. Happy that she could stay home all day and pig out and stuff, but sad. Sad because she wouldn't see her friends and ducky. Ducky was an important person to her like all her other friends and yet. Something about Ducky made him feel. Different. Like he was really important. When he really wasn't more important than anyone else in her life. Oh well. She'll never understand it. But her best friend (girl wise) was supposed to bring a tub of frosting for them to share. She felt bad and missed her best friend a lot. They always get cinnamon buns in lunch everyday. Then there's her guy best friend. Yeah he can be a pain. But he's a good friend to her. At points. She see's him in the halls so much, and he was supposed to like punch her or something today cause she said a word that he hates her saying. That word was pop. She means to say soda. But she says pop. So he tries to make her not say it by punching her and stuff.. But she hated being sick and she wished she could actually go to school even though she's hated by sooo many people there. Well that girl.
She's Me...