First Day of the Rest of my Life

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The next day, I'm up way too early and dressed before my mom is even awake. By barely Nine o'clock, someone is knocking at the door, suddenly my mum come bursting out of her room, to answer the door.

"Hello Ladies, I hope you guys are ready for shopping. I have a surprise, once we get to Diagon Alley, I have someone I would like you to meet. He is also going to Hogwarts this year." Professor LongBottom says as we start down the stair to bottom level of our apartment building. We keep walking for sometime, we stop at strange old bar I've never noticed before. He lead straight though the bar, the the back room, where he quickly pulls out his wand. He begins tapped the bricks in some order I'm too excited to notice.

The bricks start to move creating an archway into Diagon Alley. Professor puts his hand on my back leading me into the busy street, finally being able to see the leaning buildings, crazy shops, and brilliant array of people.

"So me need to go to Gringotts, Flourish and Blotts, Ollivander's,Magical Menagerie, and Madam Malkin's. We need to get you some money first for fun things, all school supplies has been paid for by your family funds, left by your great grandparents." Professor informs. No longer feeling the need to question everything I just follow him into this huge buildings Called,'Gringotts Bank,' We walk up to a table of little creepy things working, he must be some kind of goblin, like from sorry books. Professor coughs to get is attention, "Vault 155, please." As he lays down a fancy old key.

The mean looking Goblin takes the key, gestures for us to follow, to this coal mining cart. Professor and I get in, my mum didn't even bother in to come in the bank, still standing at the doorway, glaring at some old witch selling some kind of potion. The cart goes hurtling down and around and every which way till we stop, "Vault 155." The grumpy goblin yells. Professor helps me out of the cart and leads me to the door, he hands me the key. I open the vault to see huge piles of coins, a few different types. He helps me by showing me thesis fervent kinds and grabbing some. We are quickly hurtling back to the Bank main floor. We climb out of the cart and out of the building.

Suddenly someone is calling and waving at us to come over. Professor doesn't hesitating to start walking over to them, I'm only a step behind him. We don't stop to see if my mom is following, understanding she isn't happy about me shopping for Hogwarts.

"Hey! Harry, Ginny It's been too long," Professor starts, "This is Lex Knight, she is going to be going to School with James." He points out the boy who is around my age, "Why don't you two go to the Magical Menagerie pet store?" We start heading that way just as my mother finally starts walking over the us. We hear them say something about getting our book and then meeting at Ollivander's wand shop.

"Hey I saw your mum, she is muggle right?" James trails off not really want to outright ask if I was muggle born. I just shake my head no, I've never really talked about my dad.

"My dad was a wizard, but he died when I was little. I didn't know anything about magic... Why are people staring at you?" I ask feeling uncomfortable under their stares.

"My family is famous," he starts the long story of Voldemort, or everything important to the story before we reached the pet store

. As we enter the pet store, we both wanted to look at the owls. As the salesperson lead us to the Owls, we passed the cats but one was covered. I stopped,

"Why this cat cage covered?"I asked the new salesperson working by them. She looked very nervous, not really wanting to show this cat.

" well I can show, but he has a hard time calming down or being caught. HE IS COMING OUT!" She yells to the back room. She slowly opens the cage, A large black and white cat with the biggest, greenest eyes.HE just quickly jumps away from the sales lady and rubs against my legs, purring so hard.He starts to meow loudly when I stop petting him

"Hi sweet boy," I look to the sales lady, "How much is he?" As I scratch his head, he rolls onto his back for belly rubs.

"Normally Nine Gallons, but you can have him for Three Gallons and Five Sickles."He happily tells me, excited at the thought of being rid of him, for some unknown reason.

"Thanks,I'll take him!" As I hand him over the money, and load up my new purry kitten. I find James by the door Holding his. New Owl cage, that has a small black owl in it.

"I thought you wanted an owl?" He teases me as we walk down to the want shop. We find our parents eating for us, we silently hand off our new pets, Comet and Eclipse. James opens the door for me, as I walk in a grab his arm and pull him in with me. We walk up to counter, we don't see anyone in the sho. Till a Middle aged man pops out from behind a shelf, he just stares.

"Who wants to go first?" Who I assume is Mr.Ollivander asks. He points at me and waves me to come up to the desk, leaving me wondering what's going to happen. He starts mumbling something about woods and how he knew my dad, what his .wand was.

"Try this, Dogwood, 10 inches, dragon core,give it a wave." He says very quickly as if he can't wait to see me use it. I do as he says, suddenly the chair James was about to sit in goes up in flames!

""No no no, not dragon, too much wild power." He says looking for another wand, not even bothering to put out the chair. Maybe, yes Pheonix core.. Great range of power, English oak,very loyal, 9 ¾ inches long, highly flexible, go on try!" He says, handing me a beautiful black/brown wand, perfect handle. I pick it up, already feeling the ,shiv and power flowing through my veins, I point at the vase of flowers. Sending the water into the air, catching the light to make a rainbow before falling back into the vase.

"That is one of the most power, controlled picking I've ever seen." Mr.Ollivander says Almost stunned. He starts waving James over.

"Yes a Potter, I know all your family's wands , I have just the wand for you. Red oak, 13 inches, no flex, also a Phoenix core. Great for a fight, very similar to English oak, Give it a go!" Ollivander finishes, handing James the wand. As soon as he grabs the wand a mist of flower petals and water shots into the air in circular patterns.

"Yes yes yes, Perfect fit," Ollivander shout. Just like that James is the owner of a new handsome red oak wand. Mr.Ollivander starts laughing for some reason, we both look confused.

He starts, "Your wands are very similar and will work in a team. They may not be willing to harm the other, Seven Gallons each now." We pay, as we are walking out,both of us lost in thought about our new wands. We quickly get the rest of our supplies with need for school, the last place is Madam Malkin's Robes.

"Today has been so much fun, James." I finally say as we are being fitted for our Hogwarts robes. He starts to say something but someone cuts him off,

"Hello, I'm Robert Goyle." He sticks his hand out to me.

"Oh,so you're the annoying, pompous pure-blood, that thinks he is better than everyone else?" i ask James.

James just stands there with his mouth sort of open, in shock. I don't think he ever expected me to say something like that, when he told me about the less than pleasant feelings between the Potter's and The Goyle's.

"It's true, little Potter needs a girl to stick up for him. My dad told me how your father as had your mother or you little girl friend around." Robert says ignoring me, as soon as he says that James jumps up just as fast as I do and grabs my waist, to stop me from launching at him.Within seconds all the adults have rushed in to see what's going on. Harry and Goyle just stare at each other. Harry stands next to me with his hand on my shoulder, telling me it's okay.

"Robert lets go, we will get your robes later," Goyle says heading for the door, not really wanting to make Harry an enemy again. We watch as the two of them leave

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2017 ⏰

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