Run Away

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I hitch-hiked to London as soon as possible and got off near the shopping area. I walked passed the Windows decorated with gowns, jewelry, unmentionables and other things I have no use for. After a while, I stopped. Something caught my eye. I walked closer to the shop window to see many amusing trinkets, much like the one's my father would bring home from his business trips. Absent minded, I wandered into the shop. A little bell rang as the door opened and closed. Rows of music boxes, wind-up toys, wood carvings, and much more were on display. I stepped along the rows of music boxes and sure enough, I found a copy of the one my father gave me that I keep hidden in my stalkings. I winded it up and as the chiming of its notes arises, so do my tears.

       "Quite a lovely tune isn't it my dear humming bird?" I heard someone say. I turned around to see a man with blonde hair, fancy white clothes and matching gloves and shoes. He was staring at me which made me feel rather uneasy. "Um..yes it is." I said.
The man smiled "Just like you, hmm?" He smirked. Suddenly as the song started to fade, my consciousness went with it. Just like that, I fainted and blacked out, left in the hands of a strange nobleman.

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