Up The Hill

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Up The Hill
By: @Asioli

Jack and Jill went up the hill,
Likeable as always,
And the dogs with hats and the cats,
Even the fleas and the ticks followed them home,
Because when jack and Jill walked up the hill,
Everyone else did,
Jack and Jill everyone loved still,
As they walked up that hill,
On that morning where the sun didn't rise,
Jack and Jill walked up the hill when the sunlight didn't,
Home from school,
The evening air still cool,
Dewy from rain drops before,
When all the dogs and the cats and the fleas even the rats followed them home,
Even the strange man that had seen them alone,
So jack and Jill had walked up the hill,
Not bothering to look out their window sill,
At the man who followed behind them,
So when the sun finally came up,
The cats and the dogs and rats and the fleas,
Came to their door,
For smell,
And something everyone could see,
Was the knife in the kitchen sink,
As if it were to be washed,
Her dress stained and Jack not to be blamed because
The bruises on his faces enflamed,
The man walking away with no shame.
So the rats and the cats and the dogs wearing hats had no one to walk with,
But the Jack and Jill weren't the only ones,
Because Jill's tummy was sized quite funny,
Like a watermelon in the sun,
So with the last of her strength,
Jill delivered life,
Even with her back with a knife,
So the baby crawled,
With the umbilical cord still attached,
The baby, Jane,
Dragged Jill with the cord,
Even with the sword still in her back,
And Jack and Jill holding hands still,
Dragged up the hill,
By the baby they had both created,
Seeming almost like fate and,
Even the man who killed them still,
Was scared to look out the window sill,
As the baby dragged them up the hill.
So did the rats and the cats, the dogs, with their hats, and hid away where they will forever stay,
Until the girl grew up again....

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