Old friends

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"So... your friend lives down here?" Danny asks skeptically, while her brother leads her steadily down the sewerage.

"We still have to go a bit farther inside", the redhead answers and Danny makes a few fast steps to walk right next to Ryan. "I saw many homeless people down here already, but none of them were in this deep. Isn't it really dangerous the farther you get inside? Are you really sure that we're right?"

"I know where he hangs out a lot. Don't worry we're on the right track. He's a bit different from other people. You'll understand when you meet him, we'll find him where the waters the deepest." Danny just nods.

A few minutes later, Ryan suddenly stops. In front of them are two tunnels.

"Which direction?", Danny asks as Ryan starts sniffing the air, like a dog. "What the hell are you doing." she asks a bit confused. They were silent for a second, before Ryan turns around to his sister and looks her in the eyes. "Theres good and bad news.", he told her, the initial question completely ignored. Danny looks at him suspiciously. "The good news are, I can smell him. He's nearby." He tells her, which makes Danny look at him like he's crazy. "You can smell him? Are you kidding me?"

"Well, Waller told you about me didn't she? My DNA is mixed with that of a wolf. I have Wolf-Genes in me." Danny rolls her eyes dramatically. "Whatever you say, dude. And what are the bad news?" Ryan breathes slowly. "I can smell other people, too." Danny crosses her armes in front of her chest. "Maybe your guy found himself some friends."

"He doesn't have any friends. But the main thing is, it smells like decay." Then he turns towards Danny and looks her straight in the eyes. "Listen up. This is your last chance to turn around and head back. The stuff that is in there might not be so pretty to look at." Danny glares at Ryan and pulls a small container out of her pocket. "I have pepper spray." She proudly exclaims, while Ryan arches his eyebrow up. "I didn't walk this whole fucking way to just turn around and run away like a pussy."

"You really think this small thing can help you down here? A... pepper spray. Besides I just told you it smells like decay. That means theres something dead down here, are you just going to completely ignore that?“

„Come on! Stop hoping to make me afraid, you idiot. The stuff you’re smelling could be anything, really. Maybe like a dead rat or some other animal that found it's death in this shithole. It all smells really bad so who knows what exactly your smelling.“

„Danny my nose is a bit stronger than you think. That's one hundret percent human.“

„Yeah sure. I won’t fall for that. I’m not a fearfull small girl, like the ones you might know. Oh, wait a second.“, Danny lets out a mean laugh. „You were in fucking prison, you wouldn’t even know many anyways.“

Ryan groans, a bit defeated. „Danny I‘m serious! It’s not even that I‘m concerned that you’ll get hurt, I can protect you like no one else. I just don’t want you to see things that you might regrett seeing later on.“ „I’ll live. And I won’t repeat myself anymore. I’m going, period.“ Ryan lets out a whine really similar to a hurt dog, as both of them just stare at each other, waiting that one of them might give in.

„Ok, whatever. You’ll do what you want anyways. But don’t say I didn’t warn you. We have to keep right.“

Ryan starts walking again and Dannys follows him with quick steps.

As they march through the dark, moist tunnel, Ryan cautiously takes his sisters hand. „Stay behind me and don’t leave my side, whatever happens ok. Don’t even think about running away and fleeing. Understood?“ Danny violently removes her hand out of Ryans grasp and ridicules what Ryan just said. „Why, pray tell, should I run away now.“

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2016 ⏰

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