the interface

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hello everyone, my name is Asma and i'd like to introduce you to my characters in the story

-1 Claude kane, she is a 19 years old girl full of life have such a good taste in music loves reading and have a huge spot for movies in her heart, she is studying in english department

-2 Rose Kane, is a 15 years old highschooler and she is claude's younger sister, she is much more a party person

-3 Edward Bell, a 22 years old guy just  graduated from law school, works in the town's court, who also happen to love books and enjoy making tea for people -don't ask-

-4 Meredith is claude and rose's mother she is a widow and her husband died years ago and she is working in a pharmacy to feed her two girls since her husband died

-5 Lucy she is edward's mom, she is a stay at home mother

-6 Adam Bell, is edward's father and he works as a lawyer as well, and he travel alot

-7 addy & jack are edward's twin sibling they are 10 years old

SO GUYS,  the story will be talking about claude and edward's life and how did they met and how their life would change

i hope you will enjoy my story as much as i enjoyed writing it :) x

the cover was edited by dear friend you can also find her on twitter  @happilylola

My Twitter is @longreignlouis you are welcome to share your views with me :) 

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