Before I start this I just want to give a quick shout out to HBaker19 n you're an awesome writer too man. Also go check her out n follow her because reasons man hehe. As always enjoy the book hope y'all like it n everything it means a lot that you guys take the time to just sit down and read my books. Its fucking amazing pardon my French
- your lovely author Jocelyn J Williams also known as JocelynHemmingsLukey merp.
I woke up with a headache as big as all of Z-Nation to the sunsetting it was soo beautiful. I sat up holding my head as I looked up I saw a boy with raven black hair, pale green eyes, and DAMN was he cute! Than I saw a guy with white hair. He kind of reminded me of Santa Claus if Santa was normal and not a creepy fat old guy who likes to watch kids while they sleep.
"Hey Doc she's awake." the kid said
"Well. I thought you'd never wake up." he said I kind of smirked at that for some reason.
"What's you're name?" the boy asked
"Its Jocelyn." I said
"Nice to meet you. I'm ten thousand and this is doc." ten thousand said
"But you can call him 10k.. Everybody does." doc added in.
Sorry it was so short I was being me and probably annoying you but I just needed to give a shout out man don't be hatin.