Chapter 1

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“Thanks for coming back in boys”

The five boys were all confused trying to understand why they were called back after they were cut.

“We have decide that instead of wasting all of your great talent we are going to send you through as a group”

From that day on all the boys became very close. Some closer than other. Soon though of the boy's closeness cause best friends to fight. They didn't win that year on x-factor but that didn't end their career. It was only the beginning. From there on the boys all faced the pain of love.

~~Few months after the X-Factor ended~~

*Louis's POV*

Right after the x-factor ended Simon Cowell signed us to a two million dollar record deal. We were all more than grateful. None of us wanted to go home with nothing. Though I don't think any of us expected it to be this tough. The next few weeks are nothing but interview after interview. We have been waking up extra early every morning and recording our new and first single “What makes you beautiful”. Recording has differently been a new experience for us all. Harry I think is the only on who has yet to embrace the boy band experience, or more like the early mornings. Every morning I wake up hearing Liam aka Daddy Direction yelling at harry to get out of bed. Usually I end having to bribe harry to get up while Zayn tries to calm Liam. In the short time we have all became really close. Though me and Harry have been the closest. We hit it off from day one when we met in the loo. It was during auditions before we were put in a band together that we met.


*Louis's POV*

“Louis Tomlinson your on in 5”

Oh god I'm so not ready for this. Maybe I can make a quick loo stop. I quickly scurried off to the loo. I open the door only to run smack into someone.



“Hey, I'm sorry I should have watched were I was going”

“Its fine. I'm Louis”


“Well Haryy we need to get a picture together because I know for a fact one day you will be famous.

“Sounds good”

I pulled out my phone and we snapped a few pics.

“Oh and here sign this so I have your autograph too”

He quickly scribbled down his name for me.



“I forgot I'm up soon for my audition. I got to get going. Sorry Harry. Hope to see you around sometime”

“Bye Lou. Good Luck”

“Thanks you too”

With that I ran to my audition with a new found confidence.

~~~~~~End of Flashback~~~~~~

“Louis lets go Paul is going to be here soon and Harry is still in bed”

“Ok Liam I will take care of it”

I threw on my red chinos with my blue and white striped shirt. Its one of my favorite outfits. I then causal strolled over to Harry's room.

“Haz its time to get up"


“Really cant for once you just get up like a normal guy”

“No its to early go away”

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