How they meet/first month

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One day Aphmau was walking home when she bumped into someone. She pushed past the person frowning. "Hey are you alright?" Said the strange man. "Yea I'm fine" Aphmau says while turning around. "I-I'm Aaron" said the man. "Well I'm Aphmau it's nice to meet you" said Aphmau. They walked to the park while talking. "So do you live in town?" Aphmau asked Aaron. "Yea I live right by the park" he replied. They get to the park and sit on the swings when suddenly Aphmau's phone rings. "One minute" Aphmau says while answering her phone. She talks one her phone for a few minutes then hangs up. "Who was that?" Aaron asks Aphmau. "My friend Kawaii~Chan just going on about how Katelyn kissed Travis it's all she talks about now. It's her ship" Aphmau tells him. "Um what's a ship like a boat?" Aaron asks. "No silly it means she thinks they would be a good couple" Aphmau says while laughing. "Oh that makes sense" Aaron says also laughing. "I should head home can I have your phone number?" asks Aphmau. Aaron gives her his phone number. They say goodbye to each other and Aphmau runs home.

A few days later Aaron gets a text. "It's Aphmau I better text her back" he thinks while responding to her message. They text for a minutes and decide to meet at the cafe for breakfast. As Aphmau runs to the cafe she sees her friend Travis. "Heyyyyy beautiful" says Travis smirking at her. Aphmau just glares at him and heads into the cafe. Aaron sneaks up behind her "BOO!" He yells. Aphmau jumps and turns around. "Don't scare me like that you jerk" she says laughing. "Sorry" he says pouting. Aphmau just keeps laughing and walks to the counter. "Hey Kawaii~Chan can I get two cappuccinos and a pack of cupcakes please?" asks Aphmau. "Sure Aphmau~Senpai!" Kawaii~Chan says happily.
Kawaii~Chan walks into the back kitchen to get their order. Aphmau turns around and smiles at Aaron.

A few minutes later Katelyn walks in and sits by Aphmau and Aaron. "Who's this?" asks Katelyn. "This is Aaron, Aaron meet Katelyn!" Aphmau replies. Aaron looks at Katelyn and frowns "why can't I just be alone with Aphmau why do all of her friends have to show up?" He asks himself in his mind still frowning. Travis walks up to Katelyn and pulls her outside. Aaron smiles at Aphmau. "Where do you-" he starts saying as Kawaii~Chan walks over to their table. "Here is your order Aphmau~Senpai, Kawaii~Chan worked really hard to make those cupcakes for Aphmau~Senpai! Is this man Aphmau~Senpai's boyfriend?" Kawaii~Chan asks. "N-No!" Aphmau slightly yells while blushing. Aaron chuckles also blushing. "My names Aaron, I met Aphmau here a few days ago. We are just friends." he says the last part quietly. Kawaii~Chan walks away giggling. After they finish their drinks and cupcakes they head to the park. When they arrive Aaron's sits on a bench and taps the spot next to him. "Sit down" he says politely. Aphmau smiles and sits by him. They stay at they park for a couple more hours then head to Aphmau's house.

They decide to watch a movie. "What movie do you want to watch?" Aphmau asks Aaron. "Hmm how about If I Stay?" He asks her. "Sure!" She say sitting on the couch putting the movie on. Halfway through the movie Aphmau lays her head on Aaron's shoulder and falls asleep. He looks at her and smiles.

Aaron's P.O.V.
As Aphmau feel asleep on my shoulder I just smiled. "She is so cute" I thought. I continued watching the movie when my eyes started feeling droopy, before I knew it I was asleep my head on Aphmau's.

Aphmau's P.O.V.
As I woke up I felt something on my head it was Aaron's head. I giggled as I poked him. He started to moved so I pretended to be asleep. He woke up and said "Aph I know your awake". I opened my eyes and looked at him. "Ok fine maybe I was awake.." I said laughing. "I should get going" he said. "Bye!" I said as he walked out the door. I watched from my window as he headed to his house.

The next day Aphmau is walking to her job at the mall when she sees Aaron. "Hey what are you doing here?" He asks Aphmau. "I work here" she replies. He smiles at her and looks around the store. Aphmau went behind the store counter and started ringing up peoples orders.

Aaron's P.O.V.
I wasn't at the store to buy anything. I'm only here to see Aphmau. I walked over to her and tapped her shoulder. "Oh, Hey Aaron, what do you need?" She asked me. I smiled. "I wanted to talk to you" I said. She giggled at me. "Gosh she is so cute!" I thought. I saw Garroth and Laurance walk in. When I went to look back at Aphmau she was gone. "Where did she go?" I asked myself.

Aphmau's P.O.V.
When I saw Garroth and Laurance I ran into the back room they can't know I work here.

Aaron's P.O.V.
I walked into the back room looking for Aphmau when I heard crying. "Aph are you in here?" I asked. "Y-Yea" Aph said sniffling. She came out from where she was hiding. "What's wrong?" I asked frowning slightly. "Garroth and Laurance are mean to me I can't see them or they will yell at
me" she said still crying. I hugged her as she sobbed into my shoulder soaking my sweater. "It's ok" I whispered. She stopped crying and looked at me. "Thank you" she whispered. I snuck her out of the shop and took her home.

Aphmau's P.O.V.
As Aaron carried me home I slowly fell asleep in his arms. A few minutes later I heard him muttering something about keys. "Hey Aph, wake up" he said poking me. "What?" I asked slowly opening my eyes. "Where are your keys?" He asked laughing quietly. I handed him my keys and went back to sleep. I could slightly hear him open the doors to my house.

Aaron's P.O.V.
As I opened the door I got punched in the face by a blue-haired woman. "OW!" I yelled. I looked up to see Katelyn. "Sorry!" She said panicking "I thought you were Travis" she continued laughing a little. "It's ok" I said. I walked in and laid Aphmau on the couch. Then I heard squealing. I turned around to see Kawaii~Chan standing next to Katelyn. "KAWAII~CHAN'S SHIP IS SAILING YAY!" Kawaii~Chan squealed happily.

Aphmau's P.O.V.
I woke up to the sound of squealing. It was Kawaii~Chan so I plugged my ears. "UGH KAWAII~CHAN BE QUIET!" Katelyn yelled. Kawaii~Chan stopped squealing when the doorbell rang. I got up and opened the door to see Zane. "Hey Zane" I said. "H-Hey can I talk to K-Kawaii~Chan p-please?" He asked. Kawaii~Chan walked to the door and took Zane outside.

Zane's P.O.V.
Today is the day I tell Kawaii~Chan I love her. "What do need Zane~Senp-Kun?!" She asked. "Was she wanna call me Senpai?" I asked myself. "What was that?" I asked blushing. "N-Nothing Zane~Senpai!" She slightly yelled blushing. "Kawaii~Chan I l-love you" I said looking at her. She just stared at me blushing. "It's ok if you-" she cut me off by kissing me. I probably looked like a tomato at this point. "Kawaii~Chan loves Zane~Senpai too!" She said happily. We walked back inside holding hands.

~At Travis's house~

Travis's P.O.V.

"Travis are you sure she loves you?" Dante asks me. I shook my head "No" I said. I walked to the basement also know as my bedroom and started crying "she probably hates me" I thought.

~At Aphmau's house~

Katelyn's P.O.V.
I honestly really love Travis I just don't like showing my feelings. "Katelyn, Travis is here to see you" Aphmau told me. I slightly blushed, Aphmau is the only person who knows I like Travis. "Do I look ok?" I asked. She nodded and I went to say hi to Travis. "What do you want Travis?" I asked rudely. He pulled me outside to the park. We talked for awhile and then I walked home.

A couple weeks later Aaron was at Aphmau's house. They were watching a movie when Aphmau yawned. "Are you sleepy Aph?" Aaron asked her. She never nodded and he carried her upstairs to her room tucking her in to bed. "Goodnight" he said while kissing her forehead.

Aaron's P.O.V.
After she fell asleep I said bye to Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan. I walked home and went to sleep.

Zane's P.O.V.
I was just sitting on my couch when the doorbell rang. "Ughhhhh!" I thought. " Who is it?" I asked. "It's Kawaii~Chan!" She said. I smiled and opened the door kissing Kawaii~Chan. "Hey cutie what ya need?" I asked her. "Kawaii~Chan just wanted to see Zane~Senpai!" She said happily. I sat on the couch and Kawaii~Chan sat beside me. I turned on a movie and put my arm around Kawaii~Chan. A few minutes later I went to talk yo Kawaii~Chan and saw that she was asleep. I carried her upstairs to my room and tucked her in. I went back downstairs and shut off the movie then went upstairs and fell asleep next to Kawaii~Chan.

Next chapter coming soon! Hope you enjoyed. This is my first story so don't judge.

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