Heeey :) Once again i have uploaded in the space of a day! im sooo happy :D
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"Oooo I like the way your thinking girl! But how do we know whether he is in his cabin or not" she asked me. Its true, we don't actually know whether we will be alone with his stuff or with him.
"We could always as Tyrone to keep him busy?" I thought.
"Maybe but Tyrone hates Aaron more than you hate him!"
"How come?"
"You don't want to know" she said. Sounds like it could have got pretty nasty, so I didn't bother
asking anymore.
"So do we have the keys?" she asked me.
"I don't think we have keys, I never lock my cabin up"
"Hmm I guess not then. Come on no time to lose!" she said grabbing my wrist and practically dragging
me outside. I closed my cabin door behind me and then we made our way over to Tyrone. He was
busy talking to some other guys and I caught the last part of the conversation. Something about
water skiing.
"Hey! Tyrone we need a favour" I heard Jasmina say then dragged him away from everyone. Great
now I was left with some very hot and I mean hot guys! Well apart from one, he looed a little nerdy
but he seemed like the only one I would get a conversationfrom.
"Hey I am Ashlee" I said, the guys were checkingme out, but that just made my cheeks go red and
hot. However nerdy pants just smiled, at my face instead of my boobs.
"I'm Arthur but people call me Arty" he said offering his hand. I took it and shook it. I heard a couple of
the guys laugh at how formal we were being but I gave them evils and they soon stopped.
"Are you the one who is going out with Aaron" one of the other guys asked.
"WHAT! Ewww no way! Did he tell you that?"
"Nahh but it looks like you two are forever flirting!" really! Oh god.
"Well we are not and I suggest you keep that mouth of your shut or I would have to shut it for you" I
threatened him. His eyes went wide then he nodded.
"Glad we got that sorted" I said with a smile on my face. As if on cue Jasmina came back.
"Where is Tyrone" Arthur asked. I looked at Jasmina to make sure she doesn't give too much away.
"He just said that he is going to round up a couple more people for the, urmm water skiing thing!"
Jasmina must have caught the end of the conversation too but by the looks of these guys faces that
wasn't what they meant. I grabbed hold of Jasmina's hand and dragged her away from them.
"Is he getting Aaron?" I asked her. She nodded then smiled.