my siblings

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I grew with four older siblings. For the most part we were close. But me and my brother Ryan had a stronger bond then I had with any of them. Ryan was disabled and he couldn't say a lot, only a few words. He could say baby, cat, dog and sheep. I was called baby as that's what he saw me as. Whenever I went with my parents to pick him up they would be like oh so your the baby he says, I felt so special because of this. I treated my brother like a normal brother we had little sibling fights, I never saw him as not "normal".

I never fully knew what was wrong with him I just knew he had a disability . I loved him with all my heart. My parents told me we were never apart when I was younger. They told me he liked to look after to me like a farther but they were never not around when this was happening so if something happened to either of us they could help.

When my parents were out my brother (william) and his friends were the ones looking after. They would tell me stories and play games. When I was older enough they would even play rugby with me. I grew playing this game with my brother he also taught me how to dance when his friends weren't around. My brother took ancient history for GCSEs, when he was doing his homework I would ask him to read his books to me, all though I had no idea what was happening or how the hell Scipio was I enjoyed listening to the battle stories . This is where my love for ancient history began.

My sister told me about her love, dogs. She would let me feed them and take walks with her. She would even let fed some of the farm animals when she wasn't angry. She would read me history or RS. Most of them spent out with either my sister or my dad. They would take me to the river with the dogs where I could swim and swing form trees. I also spent a lot of my time running around and getting muddy to my mum's annoyance. My sister would often chase me or race me as a runner, of corse I never could beat her.

My brother, Jack. Jack taught me about computer ands technology. He would often let me play games on his computer and help me build things with lego. He wasn't very outsidy he was more a tech geek, don't me wrong that's fine. I would teach my loads of things about the computer so when I wasn't aloud my own I protested for about a week. My brother stopped me by letting me share his, I wasn't really meant to but that was the only way to stop me building computers out of boxes and running of with their laptops.

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