
208 19 3

Eloise Beaufils.

I had left Harry's room in a hurry. The way he made me feel had me in a panic. I had never felt this way about a patient before. Surely I had been in my fair share of relationships but this man made me feel a way I had never felt before.

It was gradually becoming harder and harder to work with him. He was my patient; I shouldn't be having these types of feelings about him. Maybe I tell ask Edmée I am unable to look after him.

Professionalism was something I really needed in my job and workplace. Harry would be ruining that, especially after today when he was so sweet to me.

What am I doing?

I am making a big deal out of nothing. There's no relationship between me and Harry besides the patient-nurse one. My fantasies were getting the best of me.

Rushing out of his room I bumped into Adélie. She appeared to be in haste with her eyes wide open and hands covered in blood.

"When's your break" She asked breathlessly.

"Soon, at noon" I replied, "do you need any help?".

She nodded and mentioned for me to follow her. I had to sprint just to keep her in my eyesight and not lose her. By the time we arrived at the room where the help was needed, I was out of breath.

"So will you tell me what's happened now?". I asked, still not knowing what was wrong.

"Internal bleeding" she huffed while pointing towards the patient in the room when we entered.

The man that was led on the bed was as pale as a ghost, his chest was barely rising and he looked like he was on the brink of death. On one of his sides I noticed blood gushing from under his shirt.

He would be lucky to make it out this room alive it looked like.

I hate thinking pessimistically but there was no denying the small chance that this man would live through today.

"It looks pretty heavy" I pointed out the obvious.

"It is" Adélie grumbled in reply.

My medical instincts immediately clicked in and I did everything I could to stop the bleeding. All my determination went into keep this poor man alive. Adélie and I worked together as a team to aid this man. Eventually, another member of staff had to join in to help out.

Unfortunately, after an hour or two of trying to stop the bleeding the patient's heartbeat had stopped. A cloud of remorse laid over mine and Adélie's head after finding out that the soldier had passed away.

Death was a traumatic experience and no matter how many times I see it happen a day it still has the same impact on me.

"Time for our break" Adélie murmured quietly.

Truthfully our break was supposed to be over half an hour ago but to be honest I think I deserve a break after putting all my effort into keep someone alive only for them to die an hour or so later.

I hummed in agreement, not wanting to talk much.

We both arrived at the break room in silence. I pulled out my dinner that Edmée had kindly prepared for me last night and ate in peace with guilt crowding my emotions.

I was barely even half way through the day and I was already emotionally exhausted.

"So, how's the special soldier?" Adélie asked. Her tone was still sad but I appreciated her attempt at trying to cheer things up.

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